Imgur: The magic of the Internet (2024)

15,497 points

scenes like this make me love this show so much

album · 592,086 views

9,310 points

Homer is amazing.

album · 494,213 views

5,611 points

Clean Strokes

album · 147,449 views

4,018 points

I was bored today so I decided to make this since I couldn't find it anywhere.

image · 7,619 views

3,512 points

Happy Birthday Homer!

album · 183,834 views

3,413 points

Another reason why we love Homer and earlier episodes.

album · 118,657 views

3,149 points

Life of Homer Simpson

album · 150,245 views

21 points

when someone uploads a still image that could've been a gif

animated · 6,277,547 views

3,070 points

"The CuberTruck" - Poorly drawn in MS Paint

album · 134,825 views

2,863 points

Hank Scorpio

album · 111,555 views

2,790 points


album · 143,858 views

2,669 points

Happy Birthday El hom*o!

album · 101,442 views

2,370 points

Boomers, and people born after Watergate

album · 92,811 views

2,387 points

How I Feel this Morning

animated · 57,065 views

2,329 points

I've posted this in so many responses in Facebook.

image · 62,728 views

2,197 points

Money can be exchanged for goods and services!

album · 105,658 views

2,182 points

MRW my doctor increases the dose of my painkillers

album · 134,671 views

2,193 points

Why we love Homer and the earlier seasons.

album · 101,861 views

2,127 points

This explains a lot.

album · 132,264 views

2,126 points

When I smell my rich neighbors bbq and he spots me smelling the air and invites me over to help

album · 123,576 views

2,132 points

Wow someone actually made the shoes!

album · 108,827 views

2,042 points

A glimpse into our future...

album · 115,790 views

2,013 points

When someone is complimenting you with an insult!

album · 128,021 views

1,981 points

Homer Diesel

album · 129,588 views

1,932 points

Homer Simpson Sponge Holder

album · 114,199 views

1,886 points

Wait a minute, There's something bothering me about this place.

album · 138,112 views

1,884 points

Shameless Repost

album · 85,485 views

1,873 points

Homer checks his privilege

image · 6,561 views

1,722 points

He's learned his lesson. Let's get him a present.

album · 110,119 views

1,751 points

Movin' on up

image · 44,535 views

1,701 points

The Springfield Stories

album · 118,862 views

1,595 points

Slower, you slu*t.

album · 143,314 views

1,603 points


album · 96,969 views

1,557 points

Ah! I love these lazy Saturdays.

album · 88,146 views

1,502 points

repost because i can't find it online

album · 83,990 views

1,481 points

Like in 1989 prices.

image · 41,920 views

1,441 points

I met my new best friend last week. As a lifelong Simpsons fan, I’d like to introduce Homer J.

album · 65,017 views

1,353 points

Good Night

album · 98,992 views

1,301 points

Awww ... the Denver Broncos!

album · 115,223 views

1,295 points


album · 79,110 views

1,229 points

What A Pity, Mr. Bond...

album · 90,786 views

1,193 points

Happy Holidays!

album · 82,401 views

1,171 points

Happy 61st birthday Homer!

album · 73,524 views

1,174 points

In a bakery far, far away, Stormtrooper Homer was made.

album · 52,469 views

1,105 points

The Simpsons at their best. (Mostly Homer)

album · 73,325 views

42 points

Mrw my boss says that I can come in at 9 am instead of 8 am tomorrow.

animated · 3,188,193 views

1,080 points


album · 79,894 views

1,080 points

I made a Homer in the bush patch

album · 70,085 views

1,063 points

When people found out Imgur is a thing

animated · 26,780 views

983 points

He's right

album · 86,720 views

945 points

Homer's world

album · 73,389 views

946 points

It’s been a while since.....

album · 68,364 views

903 points

Starting the new year right!

album · 110,771 views

901 points


album · 72,060 views

881 points

RIP Pinchie Simpson

album · 103,422 views

864 points

Stolen meta meme

album · 93,001 views

845 points

Lego Simpsons Backyard MOC

album · 61,869 views

831 points

MRW I browse Imgur and see all these memes from GoT when I don't watch it.

animated · 39,342 views

809 points

Sizable Homer bush dump collection

album · 76,226 views

Imgur: The magic of the Internet (2024)
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Article information

Author: Pres. Carey Rath

Last Updated:

Views: 6810

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.