Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (2024)

Is Duolingo too easy for you? Wondering how to make Duolingo harder? There are tons of super-creative hacks that will up the difficulty level of the Duolingo lessons that you’re taking.

If you’re feeling like the normal Duolingo lessons aren’t enough of a challenge for you or if you have some previous experience with the language you are learning, then these tips are exactly what you need. Here are 16 ways to keep using Duolingo, even if you think it’s getting too easy for you!

I seriously would not be able to learn languages without italki (I’m taking 3 classes per week right now) try out a class and you’ll thank me later. They’re usually $9 or less!

1. Always Accept Challenges to Make Lessons Harder

You may notice after completing a few lessons on Duolingo that sometimes the owl pops up and offers you an opportunity to make the next question in your lesson slightly more difficult.

Make sure to always accept those!

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (1)

2. Use the Desktop Version

If you have never used Duolingo on Desktop, you’re missing out on a ton of opportunities to earn more XP, get some of the same benefits of Super Duolingo for free, AND make Duolingo more difficult.

On the Desktop version of Duolingo, instead of choosing the autofill words, you can choose to type the answers yourself. You’ll quickly realize how much you were relying on those answers!

You can also do this on the app, but it’s not available for every question.

Want to learn a language quickly and never forget it? Check out this book on Amazon about how to stay fluent in a language over time without losing fluency!

3. Choose to Speak Instead of Type When Available

If you have a question on Duolingo that provides a little blue microphone at the bottom, press that and speak your answer instead of typing.

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (2)

Not only is it a bit faster, but it could expose some pronunciation issues that you didn’t know you had, and you’ll have to think a bit quicker to get the response out.

For example, French has some tricky pronunciation that I still struggle with, like “tu” versus “tous” or “veux” versus “vous” and often when I speak into the microphone, it lets me know which one I’m actually saying.

Plus, Duolingo doesn’t give a ton of opportunities to actually speak the language, so if you’re trying to make the lessons harder, you should take every opportunity they give you to speak!

4. Choose to Type in Words on the App

Although this isn’t always available, when it comes up, you should switch! There will be a little keyboard emoji under the word bubbles that you normally would click on to answer the question.

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (3)

However, it seems to be pretty rare that this comes up on the mobile app, especially when you are in the beginning Sections of the course.

In my Spanish course that I’ve finished, it gives me the opportunity to type my answers a lot more frequently.

5. Try to Translate Without Looking

Another way to make Duolingo more difficult is by only reading the sentence that you’re supposed to translate and then either covering up the answer or looking away quickly so that you can try translating without any help.

6. Start a Reverse Path

If you have already completed your Duolingo tree (now called Duolingo Path), try starting a Path in reverse!

This means if you were learning Spanish from English, head to the lessons made for Spanish speakers and take their English course.

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (4)

This will definitely challenge what you’ve learned since you’ll be reverse translating and they may also teach you different ways to say things!

If you want to learn a language faster than ever, I also highly recommend reading Benny Lewis’s book on how to learn a language in JUST 3 months.

7. Listen to Duolingo Stories Without Looking

If your language course has Duolingo Stories along the Path, try listening without reading along with the conversation.

You’ll still have to look to answer the questions when prompted, but it will definitely test your listening skills more than just reading along!

8. Try Only Completing Lessons That Advance You on the Path

You may be tempted to continue earning crowns at the top of your tree to make your subject bubbles golden or “Legendary.”

However, if you move along the Path, the lesson topics get progressively more difficult.

For example, at the top of the Spanish Path, you’ll find basic vocabulary and present tense verbs.

But towards the end, you’ll find lessons on the subjunctive tense and the difference between imperfect and preterite past tense verbs.

9. Test out of Easier Levels to Get to Harder Lessons

If you have already learned the basics in the language that you’re learning, you can quickly make Duolingo more difficult by testing out of the easier levels.

Since the harder lessons have to be unlocked, this is the only way to reach them without completing the easier lessons.

Just scroll to the next section on your Duolingo Path and you should see a “Jump Here.”

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (5)

If you click on that, you will be able to take a test that jumps you to that Unit if you pass! Plus, you’ll earn 50XP (as of now, this will most likely change).

RELATED: 52 Best Italian Cartoons and How to Watch Them

10. Listen to the Duolingo Podcasts

For certain languages, Duolingo has made free podcasts to help with listening comprehension. Right now, they have Spanish and French for English speakers and English for Spanish speakers.

If you’re learning one of those languages, I highly recommend the podcast!

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (6)

I have listened to a few from French to English and the stories were really interesting and kept my attention even as a beginner/intermediate learner.

11. Stop Clicking on the Hints

When you are taking a lesson, you may notice that some of the words have dots underneath them. This means that if you click on that word, it will show you the translation.

If you have been clicking on those often, avoid using them for a few lessons and I bet you will find Duolingo much harder than before!

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (7)

12. Set a Goal to Reach a Certain Amount of XP Per Day

Another way to get more out of Duolingo is to set a goal for the amount of XP that you want to learn or the language level that you want to reach.

If you want to see how much XP you have in just ONE course, you will need to use the Duome website.To do that, you will need to type in Duolingo.

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (8)

For example, mine is there, you can see all the stats of the course that you are currently on in Duolingo.

You can use this number to set a goal for yourself and complete more lessons than you would normally.

13. Write Down the Words that You Get Wrong the Most Often and Try to Use Them at Home

If you notice that you are frequently forgetting the same words, start writing them down.

Keep a notebook and pen close by while completing your lessons, then try to find a way to use those words in sentences outside of Duolingo.

You can do this by writing out sentences, talking to a friend (even if they don’t speak the language!) or even teaching the words to someone else.

My favorite app to practice chatting online with native speakers is HelloTalk.

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (9)

It’s free to use but only for one language. If you want to practice more than one language, you’ll have to upgrade to the paid version.

14. Make Duolingo Flashcards

You can also take those words and phrases that you struggle with and turn them into flashcards or post-it notes that you can put around your house items.

RELATED: How Many Crowns Are There in the Duolingo French Tree?

Sometimes I find that just writing it down on a flashcard helps me even without studying it afterward!

15. After Using Duolingo, Take an iTalki Class with a Language Tutor

Even though Duolingo is an awesome and free way to learn a language, at a certain point you definitely should be using other resources.

I detail my exact language learning plan here and also my strategy for using Duolingo more efficiently here.

My absolute favorite resource for learning a language (besides Duolingo) is iTalki.

You can find native speakers who will give you conversation lessons one-on-one for around $8-$10 per hour (sometimes lower depending on the language!)

Here are all the reasons you should try iTalki!

16. Or Try Using Memrise Decks

If you want to focus on vocabulary, Memrise is definitely the place to go! After signing up, you can search the courses for ones that are specifically for Duolingo.

These decks include all the vocabulary used on Duolingo.

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (10)

Although Memrise has an app, I don’t recommend using it. I don’t consider it very user-friendly, so definitely stick to the desktop version.

Language Learning Must-Haves

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (11)

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (12)

Dayna Brockbank

Dayna Brockbank is a travel and language-learning blogger who has lived around the world but has now settled in Nice, France. She speaks 3 languages at varying levels of fluency: Spanish, Italian, and French, and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Spanish Education. She and her husband focus on making travel part of life by living cheaply and traveling on a budget.

Is Duolingo Too Easy? 16 Hacks to Make Duolingo Harder (2024)


What do I do if Duolingo is too easy? ›

Skipping levels on Duolingo's new learning path is really easy. Well, so long as you know enough of your target language! If you're finding the levels and units too easy, then you can easily jump forward to a position further along the path. To do this, simply scroll down to your desired unit, then tap the first level.

How do you get harder exercises on Duolingo? ›

When you've completed a node, select the Legendary option to do a lesson with more challenging exercises and no hints. Your XP reward will be worth it, and the node will turn gold afterwards!

Why did Duolingo get easier? ›

Additional content: Our goal is to teach the language you're learning through B2 on the CEFR scale. So we may have added more content to get you closer to the B2 level! Adjusting existing content: We're running experiments all the time testing to see how we can teach most effectively.

What is the hardest language on Duolingo? ›

If you're not sure what language you want to learn, maybe this can help if you don't want to have too much of a struggle. I also found this language difficulty ranking out of four levels of difficulty, tl;dr: Easiest are Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese; hardest are Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, and Arabic.

What is a weak word in Duolingo? ›

It typically occurs when doing personalized practice. It means you frequently get this word incorrect.

Why is Duolingo not helpful? ›

Real Language Usage. There are so many different ways to say the same thing—but because Duolingo only really teaches you one way to say it, your conversations can end up stilted and unnatural. Plus, Duolingo's vocabulary isn't diverse or challenging enough to amass a large and varied core vocabulary.

What is going on with Duolingo? ›

Current Duolingo status is UP.

Why won t Duolingo let me do speaking exercises? ›

Check if microphone works in a regular application, also try signing out then back in. If that doesn't work, try using a different browser, and make sure that there isn't too much ambient noise. The speaking exercises must also be enabled in the settings to work. Web browsers may also require Adobe Flash Player.

How many people quit Duolingo? ›

Today, it is clear that Duolingo beat the odds. User churn (defined as those who opened the app on a given month, then failed to do so the following month), declined considerably. From around 47% in mid-2020 to around 37% in early 2023. For an app released in 2011, this is a remarkable achievement.

Will Duolingo go back to normal? ›

Its CEO says it's not turning back. Duolingo CEO Luis von Ahn said in an interview that the overhauled version of his app is simpler and better.

How to get the old Duolingo back? ›

If you need a rollback of Duolingo, check out the app's version history on Uptodown. It includes all the file versions available to download off Uptodown for that app. Download rollbacks of Duolingo for Android. Any version of Duolingo distributed on Uptodown is completely virus-free and free to download at no cost.

What is the #1 hardest language to learn? ›

1. Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world.

What are the top 3 languages in Duolingo? ›

Although there were some changes this year, Duolingo listed the top 10 languages studied in 2023 as:
  • English.
  • Spanish.
  • French.
  • German.
  • Japanese.
  • Korean.
  • Italian.
  • Hindi.
Dec 5, 2023

What is the shortest language to learn on Duolingo? ›

According to this site that keeps track, the shortest course is Navajo (from English), with 66 crowns, 11 skills, 28 lessons, and 143 words.

How to pass Duolingo easily? ›

Top tips for Duolingo exam preparation
  1. #1. Revamp your vocabulary. ...
  2. #2. Improve your listening skills. ...
  3. #3. Practice your grammar. ...
  4. #4. Learn sentence formation. ...
  5. #5. Focus on your pronunciation. ...
  6. #6. Practice for the speaking test. ...
  7. #7. Go through the previous year's tests. ...
  8. #8. Practice as many tests as possible.

Is Duolingo easy or not? ›

Is Duolingo easier than IELTS? This is a myth that Duolingo is easier than IELTS, both tests are designed to evaluate your English language proficiency and are made in their own ways. What is 5.5 IELTS equivalent to Duolingo? A band score of 5.5 in IELTS is equivalent to 95-100 in Duolingo.

How long does it take the average person to finish a Duolingo course? ›

The Duolingo course can take anywhere from 6 to 36 months to complete, depending on how extensively you want to learn the language and how much time you dedicate. If you're doing just one lesson per day, expect your journey to take closer to that three year mark.

Is it easy to score 100 in Duolingo? ›

A score of 100 on the Duolingo English test is considered to be in the highest proficiency range and demonstrates a strong command of the English language. Based on your score, you should feel confident that your English skills meet the language requirements for many universities and graduate programs.

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