National data opt-out - NHS Digital (2024)

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The national data opt-out was introduced on 25 May 2018, enablingpatients to opt out from the use of their data for research or planning purposes, in line with the recommendations of the National Data Guardian in her Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-Outs.

Patients can view or change their national data opt-out choice at any time by using the online service at by clicking on "Your Health" in the NHS App, and selecting "Choose if data from your health records is shared for research and planning".

Onboarding is available for use by new market entrant GP IT developers, this will allow GPIT system suppliers to develop and embed theservice into their clinical systems.

To achieve compliance, a GPIT System Supplier will need to complete the relevant NHS Digital Assurance Approach and will need to follow the SCAL process (Supplier Conformance Assessment List).

For advice, access to resources, and support contact [emailprotected].

Further information

internal Compliance with the national data opt-out

The deadline for health and care organisations to comply withnational data opt-out policy is now 31 July 2022. It has been extended to enable health and care organisations to focus their resources on the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Find out what you need to do.

internal Guidance for health and care staff

Guidance and information for health and care staff about the national data opt-out, including GP practice, nursing, midwifery, care, voluntary and helpline staff.

internal Information for GP practices

What GP practices need to do to comply with the national data opt-out policy, and provide your patients with appropriate information.


See Also

Last edited: 22 November 2023 4:32 pm

National data opt-out - NHS Digital (2024)
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