jr '1J-W0MEII WANTED IIJ-WOMEi WANTED 1 11 WOMEI WANTED n-iu wautec Oakland Tribune, Wednesday, May 17. 1944 17 ,14 MEN, WOMEN WAITED i tr ed 1 WE CAN 00 IT- DIRECTORT OF PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS SERVICES Good "pay eneSWatT-t cr team ne stores uanuana ana A je Creamerv OfflCr? HeiD Giri v.amee genera fftee wfe; easenna! industry- permanent South Berkeley Creanrry. 875 Street. Oakland PI ed'-nont 34 VETERAN: assistant bookkeeper stgaay. i oetmful.
iao pe i miu 1 emolovee missed any pay in 30 arL- cnm tvninff DrOSDPCl ad Vanciment. Urge strong old ft a clean, bonorabie man far lileUme job. tell age. experience, tieaitn no exhausting work necessary-. Box 1 M35545 Tribune.
Wrapping Machine Man Operate cellophane wrapping rr.a- crunes in wholesale DaKer in train man tf inexperienced good 30b "-e- I Donation, cafeteria, eaT of Lake; industry. Mothers Cake! Cookie Company. 114 taM istn Welders Fitters Heloers wciucrs. rmers, neipers tf Work Jh Kappv creii vou ktn r. a 17 i downtown rtaurant App! at the Mayflower Restaurant.
1317 Broadwax; ciose to ail iranpo nation: 5 a shifr plii nieai and tip. um4erm furnished WOMAN cook, town Summer camp, for 5o giri 9 to 14. June 17 through September 9 plan and cook simple mefvus-. Sheilam coo-ing gas-, modern k'tchen: pnvate acommodation-. every other weekend at home: free iranoortation Appiv 315 Citv Hali.
Oakland Day or evening ideal work-1 mg conditions Looe-Wiies Biscuit, Company. 651 81t Avenue If now engaged war vork riv nM apply lairrc Moraine or evening shift; per and Sunday oif; pruate room and can use me services ot several prac-bath. farnilv of five; Piedmont Spiral nurses and maids for general home: $100 "a month. TW inoak tlu 1S an eentl aetmt. ictrriDlete maintenance is Drowned At present working schedules veld-jbert day.
We furnish uiiiorm Aaiei. Coffee Shop. MacArthux Men. OiTien anted Iran, lllll, ir-CfiUHlUiWU kitchen: excellent working condi- top wages. See E.
Mueller. 1317 Broad a i 1 1 warned Whole.ale c(lninf Dlant. vta rn Street, Oakland COOK wiih ume restaiant experience:" good'pay: pleasant conditions: hours 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call BE rkeiey 2783 for appointment CLEANING, 5 to 11 p.rf.; white: per nionth stead work.
GLencourt 5323: HU mboldt 1323 CHAMBERMAID. Hotel St pTuT: S23 a week. HI ghgate 3963. d34 K'h Street 1 COOK for release, assistant, hos- SADIES, alterations. permaiw-m full or part time.
AS hberry poMtion. Roos Brothers. 64 Snat-3072. Local 22 Tuck, Berkeley COOK, reliable. 8 houis.
Moore s. good pay. Call evenings. KE Logg 4-2406 COLORED pooa pa foi restaiiiar.t woi KE llogg 4-2207 af.ei Department Store Positions innl C. Capwetl's ha positions open plans We hire ihe last now in several departments for employed in essential industry.
Net eiHi i- neiv-- sonnel office. 3rd flo.r, Seais, Rie-sarv. Apply at "H- ranwn' buck and Co WOMAN bet wee a eral housework room and batn. anil a iu. ten-2 adul.
psivaie 35t a morih start, two week? ai'auon Phone between 6 and 8 THoir.wail aiiivru Girls to wobk in office. 5-day eek expci ierue helpful but not essentia); good pav and woik-tng OLi-iip''' Wc oman, 1 oune To leam lens gi i ndtne mi ion excellent oppon ancetiient Rice- Optical Wakclie.d Building. omen Jor steady work: 16 to 40: eentia. mdj.itrv. Shiedded Wheat Bakery 12ti7 I4th Street WOMAN fur Jaundiy work.
peii- ence not necessaiv. one meal iur-mhed; excellent working condition-. See Mr Walker. Merrttt Hospital. Hawthorne and We'-ier Waitresses Fountain gui, for work in Oakland and Rei kele -toie Kd AimU.
at 1823 Telegiapb "Avenue. Oakland Women For part-time evening woik Appiv Mi Pendroh. Peralta Hoil.o 'Women Wanted For sorting old rag: rsrntial work, good pay. Apply at 101 Lmdoir. WANTKD: Hie clerk, ate.noKt.iphe" accounts receivable warehouse clerk pist evsent ia) industry, permanent emplo.v inent.
Call ghKate 5200 WAITRESS for day oi inlu shut. free meals and laundry. 2309 Tele-j rMy WAlltbS, night shift, a in -1 .30 a.m.; over union wale, uniform and meals furnished. 162K Fra-iklm. WA.NTKI), thn-e t)iUn.
plnvMienl. Kntxi rate of all TTiTT nr'Twmie- WA1THKSS. S.V.'iu ikt d.u. luiur a m. 1o 6:110 pin Sunday 441' 17lh Slieel.
jiivl off Hin.nluax WOMAN or loi Kenei.tl i tanrant Work; hiood pa Vt hill Monle urd. id tec 4 A1TRFSSKS. Bav t'omit i Club, monlh, room and boanl. PI edmont lOitO WAITRESS; good wage Kianklin also kllcbtii Smidav olf. WAITRESS, (i (lavs.
$4(1 Castle. 8H3fi E.lst Hlh Stren YOUNG woman loi geueial llice i JUNIOR enemist; Penicillin the op part Lmny Jot -rminx rrad-7 chemist; no experience re- Service- 1461 Shattuck Avenue or Cutter Laboratories, 4th and Parker Berkeley Hiie ,1 stead v. 203 Medical Building, UHh and Franklin- King's Daughters Home Laundry Girls Markers, distributors mangle ples operators, experienced or will- jmg to learn: good wages Samtan. i Laundr-. 3830 Manila Avenue.
Oak- land LIMITED openings Tir- einb; i-ork women for light asembi days. 2 women for Isghi work swing. 1 woman for office, mg necessary good work condition. Electrical Products Corporation. 950 30th Street, Oakland.
California. LOCKER room aiienaant foi pi 1- vate downtown club. 5-lu Appiy manager. HI gheate 4 MiU Hnst-War Pane Now. Are you looktr.fi for a position with a future? Seais can use ou.
either full or part time: benefit with short hours, com ement loca- Millinerv Desicner A maker; slead.v emplovmenl. ex- BErkHfy IMoOn 1 IlTlt High school or college student to work from noon till 2 p.m., dan a week, receive public- and answer phone. Write Box 40079. Tribune. giving -age any expei lence.
etc NURSES for liospual. ailenioon. 3 to II; at night, 11 to 7. lo37 Jackson Street. NURSE, practical, loi ie-1 home.
2733 Woolsev Street. Berkeley Owens-Illinois Glass Co. 601 36th Avenue. Oakland Women ineeded; safe, clean, inside, well- paid employment in a permanent, essential industry; no expeuonee necessary. i fnT Order Typist Need experienced operator I M.
electric typewriter; eood steady post-war position, for right operator; 51 2-day week. Apply Air Reduction, 1280 45th Street. Dl'EKATOKS, fxpii iiMU'id imi ianl. lailios' or ptiwer niaiinm-Oakland Pants Factory. 1922 San Patilu Avenue UI'KHA runs good waift's.
tine. tn Smiifl iiiat-luiii'v. 2(136 Telesranli Ave- P.B.X. Positions' Deniable positions in Kastbav dies. Apply Mi Hthop.
11'2 r'lanklin Slieet. Oakland Part-Time Work experienced saleslady. Elniltuist Re-1 piUttltt'iH Stoic, U420 Last 14th I Power Machine Operators I eel Sewing i experienced; essential rwar work: half riav Saturday. 744 2.1 rd Avenue: KE llogg 2-02. PHONOGRAPH lecmd depaitment manager; experienced; pei maneni.
Eranck Music Shop. 1.149 Park Street. Alameda. LA kehurst 3- 1021. PRACTICAL ncM-se fo home at 576 Valle and salarv.
convalescent Vista. Room, EPA Hi woman with own sew inn "machine: plenty of work; urve her all she makes. Reply to Reliable Cleaners. 10810 Bancroft, Oakland; SWretwood 3127. RECEPTIONIST, attractive, high-type, work part -lime 1-4 p.m.
Apply Arthur Murray. 1755 Broadway, Oakland. ROOM maid. Women's University Dormitory; AS hberry 2RB6. Stenographers! New.
modern downtown nff ices'! I-aige national manufacturer of essential products offers yon good ua.v, reasonable pleasant work inn condil ions with convenient sioping and trarisDortat ion facihties: now and afler the war. Apply toda.v. Metcu Nordstrom Valve Company, 1)11, J7lh Si reel Oaklanrt Southern Pacific Accounting needs I womerr and gu Is; comptometer operator IBM. key punch, typing-; billing; day. evciumfs; htarting salary $155.
experienced, positions for assoi ters. beginners, office attendants to age 25, salary SI Mi. Apply Room 235. Market; i Itooin 525 Market, San Fian-. cr i'o.
SALESLADY loi beamy hop sup i plie-. and 'inpineol -tabli-hed Llftnlmv. complcle line: fddc di I Maib'iliu- of llelene Ciiihs piodut" alifoini i. I pi i ma fci licanlv oi hiciii' mil ncc il di au ar StM'ii III I 2)411 Student Cleik 4 hour'; afternoon--, nn Saturday or Suntiay work, wish a gnl V.h( will not graduate for a year or more. Answer ni own handwiit iig, Box Tribune.
Saleslady Experience iinneeesary. hut must tiave pleading personaiitv and tur- t-m'di gnod ri-i ur inner tiiatrmr -A nrtrmv I Williams Stores, .1000 Broad- i I i i bookkeeping expenenee qj-jL good pav. Apply person, Nelson UR Specialty Welding Equipment Cor- Real estate notation, ein ner Peralta and San "iu HMil) Leanriro Boulevard. San Leandto. SaU-smen In Tmp if li repair.
First aid far all iaar ImMit. Ar-rai alakakttieally far yiur eaavcaieaca MOOri.ING Fashion clashes, ay. evenmgs. Dotirav 1 rtet Oafe-and MOVING. KF MOVING MOlNG, U.j Anst.es.
Diego S7h0. pir-up and van ser ce. TR mj.t fisff anjtiTTie. i WOt ING eurheie. fat aer.v.
rale agree-ahie KE ti.iee 4-: MOVING, all kvai. ls Angeles specialty. AN dover 4910 movinc; Sj- IV, i to Angeles, KK llotit pec tsioe papering, textiii-; mg. fit sanding, plastering, roof- )pg. it-modeling small monthly pa ments all nrk guaranteed.
Fene: I Mmlernidttnn Citmpany, e-u (Mtrt U76 PI edmnnt 7245 lAITIti. an excellent paint job. responsible ciiipan texturing and stip-plitx painting all ot wtiikmen. Bav i-i Cimpaii UL encuuit 4 AN rin ei 4820 FA1M1NA- A complete modernua-Iion intt i ior md fVU'iUtf paintmg decorating, nofing and t.id4og. For bet Lei job call Mr.
iwMMvn, tii.ninmu ins, eve- nni-. HI ghgate 3.V20. I'AIN liNtj worKmen and piues now: guaranteed work quaiity. material: terms; free esti i iiate PI KH01 exienor. alo spiay painting; good woi kmanlup; vcais experience.
LA kehurst I'AlNIINti ami papei nanymk, papei quick serv ice. Phone TW inoaks 12H1 between 4 and 6 I'AINTINti. low pi ice, btildt 1KS2. papering, real quality; inside, outside. HU m- fAlMINb.
papei liaiuiniK. license it wired reieu nccs, guaranteed work Porter. TH inidad 150 i PAIM1NU and pa (Hi hanging, in- tt-rior, insured: prices reasonable Willis. TW inoaks 1485 PALM I Mi, eommeii-ial and dent work; estimates. Bohall.
TW itv-aks 2.S2R. PAINTING; tor belter malei ialb and vv orkmanship uniure djf all SW eel wood WH I A I.N I'INCi, papi-t hangiiin, prom pi. fie.irnl ice. enals Herkeley; TH ornwall 023. I'AINTINti and decorating; interior, exterior, guaranteed woik-inanvhip KK llogg S-0tiWi.
I'AINTINti Pan piu maliTials. OI mpic i-, guaranteed 1084. JI44 inleiii and ln-t maleii.il. extei iui SW eel rALNXJ.NG. p.ipei A-4 iiMtn-able: insured.
Baxter, KE llogg KE Iiugg PAIN I IN and elass; reasonable, HE tkelev 4472W. eein OL mpic oo.v; I'AIN I l(i and paper Tf 'ji'U want a Kooii job, call LA ke- 1 urst 2 PAIN I IMi, guaiauteed job; a uai -antewri low price. Dunn, SW eet-wnod 6014. PAINT I Nti, pap-i mti i 1 1-1 1 nble: eleau workmanship: prompt attention TE PAIN and papei II TE mnlehnr in r.X OHO a voi (' WT.KHAM.INf., painting, oulsnle; clean, neat, quick, burst. ijhh inside.
LA ke- iind p.ilillllik. IllUie ami oiilMdi woik: Call day or ntcl*t. i ii ikc TKHIMi, inleinir, larc or small jobs, work filial' antecd TR imdad llillili. Mucco work, work; work Kuaranteed. Marlam.
SW eel wood 8BH4. patch Phone ri'siucco-inc; concrete work; large or small lilt mholdt i IUS i all kinds pl.istcr re pairs. hv cxpi-il. Pled I iiiiini ffnor ftif nacts, 0770. to ft noileitrii( liccnseii.
1 1 pail AS libel ry I'l lltld air wt.tk ileal. -is ar OL ympic M.i; l'll and imichmii d.iv-eeiune MMilern Arl in Micct. oaklnnrl. Al. vva-hiuii machine set tee.
all makes', May lag. Tim I Arc. Easy, A II Hendix, tel 1 iterator set ice on all makes open units; easy credit; we (nek up and deliver. Oeueinl Appliance Ciimp.mv. 242." TclcK'iipli.
Oakland. TW mnaks Kl machm-s. all makes; Hiiarnnlced Acme white 1 inner iolls jiuarnnteed. ami up: a 1st) washer belts. AN hint: 111.
li In all d. I tuple in Mlhl.Mi, ai itum- a tin- Provei. Kovab. Eureka-. Gem lal 4H-I hour service; pick -up.
Tele-J giapli; HU mboldt 31:10, OL vmpic I 7l'2Q. ItEPAIHINti 1 eh Ik'eiatois. vva.sheis. wr niueis. electiic molois.
all rmd models; pat isfarfton aHMtred ly (lay-guaianif'. Call Pooler's He-fiigeVafioii and Washer- Service eh 11 rst 3 3202, resident, 23J9 Alameda Avenue. LA kehurst 2 oflice. RI.I'AIHIN,;, li'lll Iii.ii qiulc. it'liaUUujci njiLiiLaUiin mrwiir if liny kind.
ImiiM'liiiIrl nuikrs 10 until iitlti-i'. i- 'I'll iniiw. ill :i.i..l A- SniiiiHT, 2-1211 1(1 11 I'l lllll.iiil "1311 fi-rviif, II, rut. .1 1 1 tnr guaran- ial and dn -1 1011 Mainte- Itl.l'AlltlNf.. 1 ail Kcoliomv Sei -LE 3 r.eiallon ei ice.
-lime m.ichioe--. KE llogg 4 Iti A 1 king u'lni cial domes! Ic ui I cncnuit Itaa-1 1 UI I' ladio. phonogr. pb and Radio, amplil icr special r-ts Dave's da.v evenings KE llog 2 IO radio, mi all makes: muck, reliable service. and HiiilinJWl FooMiill, KE llogg 4-473H.
KEPAlKINii; pbouogiaphs. ea for small radios. Hubbard Electric. HI' mhnld' fiOfifl. ami I'tee.
3063. iiiiiri la 31)10 Tele i- 24 hour set PI edmont KLPAIKINf; Fxpeit radio work; fa-1 service. WatsoHS 12th. op- i Court Ihiice Open evenings, ivi i A140(. (Itni Sun.
AN do-, ei I modfi.ii 1 fin 1 1 1 31st Avenue, I22H Kr.l'.MI.-INC Matlm Aulo id, 'I E.i I 14th Slieet; RCll-i ml auto icpitirs. body and fender u-ink complete painting: auto installed while you wait; all woi done reasonable. TR inidad 11144 KM'AIKINO, aul.n; expert; your home, hour; electric mechanical, HI! mboldt rifldll. Kf.PAIIllNM; commercial, household. Alameda Appliance LA kehurst 2-7800.
AN dover 32.11. Ill AIKING Radios; all makes; phonographs, record changers; repaired by experienced University of Oillfornia engineers; pickup delivery. Electronic Engineers, 2110(1 Telei'i-noh. TW monks lllffl. guaranteed appliance and household repairs: prompt pickup and 'delivery; used, appliances bought.
Fixlt Shop, PI edmont. KEI'AIKINO electrical aiipha-Kcs, Meath'i. We call and deliver anywhere. SW eetwood 4460 or LA ke- hurst 2-0497. ftEl'AIRINO, nandern.
polishers; rented and aold. Holt Manufacturing Company, OL encourt 2562. KOOUNG by Sears, Roebuck lo. Every Jon guaranteed; ahln-glcs, roll roofing, tar and gravel; our service la fast and efficient; estimates are free and one gtvon without obligation. Phone HI ghgate' 4500, Ed Klmsey, Sears, Roe-, buck and K.I3 Telegraph Avenue, ROOFING, leakx, repairu; new rooft tin terms: lit years' experience as employee, now In business (or myself: obtain my price for guaranteed work, Eddie Sllva, KB logg 3-11117.
day or night. ROOr lNUi repairing, renewing; iar, gravel, composition shingles: guar-anteed work. TR Intdad 34S7. 1 81 i 1 I DIRECTORY OF PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS SERVICES BOOriKc, repainnc. paintinc; free estiruaie: 20 yearu in Fnutvale.
Johns-Mam llle Company. Sud Rooling Company. KE llogg 4-3S00: 1411 4Wh Aeml. kuOtlXG: there ia a in eery field. EUHers.
downdraia. composi. tion. Eravel roofs. Kilsore.
HU m- lr.ldl 9342 ROOFINTG-siding. Guaranteed com- txisit'on-asoeaos-giavei. Tee low rr KOOIl.M.- good joe. tcazonablc, 'responsible company; insured vera' men. Bav Construction Company, GL nrourt 480.
AN dover 4820 KOOHXG, ail types of roofs repaired, renewed guaranteed: free estimates. Phone Acme Roofing. HI nholdt 3878 BOOHNO. special Winter oncea. johns-ManviUe and Pabco roofs.
Holland Company. KE llogg 4-5101. ROOFING and repairing. All tYpes. Martin Rooting AN dover M39, Havward 2496J Dl IG.
ou too can have a beautiful tiguie. Investigate. Free trial. KE Hogg 2-8077. TH ornaU 8W SANUtRS, edgeis.
polisncrs for rent. 1935 Ashby Avenue, iierke-ley TH ornwall 443 winouw and dtwr in- tailed. Hunter, TE niolebar 0706.1 GL encourt 7400. MHOOL High senbol completed ior aiuioma at home: Jree booklet. Write American School, 7343 Weld.
Oakland SCHOOL. P.B Telephone irain- ing: day. evening, Armstrong College. AS hberry 2240 S.WUkKS i en ted -Eieeinc. do your own floors eeononncall.v.
TR mi-dad 0700 Ki uruuniug, naulnife, insured. Kimbroush and Willey, OI. ymnic 5HS7 TKF.t uiger. pruning and remmal HI ghgate 9629; TW inoaks 0081 eve- mniis TlTlKU. expert.
OL nipii' 4189 Box 401 50. Tribune. evenings reason able I rices; large selection material. Piedmont Upholstery, OL ympic Oti77: 4236 Piedmont. PHOLSTERING Slip covers made to order.
National Slip Cover Co, HU mboldt 7900. tAi'HLK strmoina. int- loeKiiw type, installed. Hunter, TE ple na uL encourt iw. 20 APARTMENTS A furnished 3: middle ated cotinle.
Defense wnrkei IKlAiK Pu eouple Wile's v-j ire; alsi wall i exchange lor salary. TH oin- ROCKRIOGE spacious room. all utilities midttle-aged or titdei re fere lives; must be PI edmont O021. furnished 5 only qtiiet ill) best permanent. '1 WO loum lui uK'it.
near slupvaid. atiJO Alameda Avenue, Rulmiond. near El Cerritu Ene Slal ion ILL ti adc lour toom apartment for a si ov seven roun house in Ha waul or Livei ntoie. Jiox P19-790. Tribune.
4fiTH and Telegraph Beaut uully furnished iH'dnrnm with jull use of entire apart including kitchen, laundry, garden, to a dav time employed lady. 20 1o 40, ho is willing to assume light housekeeping duties as part rent; convenient in cars and Key train, 15 minutes downtown. HU mboldt after p.m. daily; anytime Sunda .1 loiini apailmcnl, only $Xi; TA'M- Avenue mil in mshed: utilities paid. parlly furnished apal Imenl.
$211 -a lininlh. 122 Sill Avenue; adults. 20 APARTMENTS WANTED Any Section of Eastbay Have clients wit heoniplete references, financial and former land lords; pay $5 1o S2r0; no expense to im. J. Harry Smith.
Piedmont A 1N.1v insti uclor arid wife desire a 2 or loom furnished anait-mtml: (irmtd or Ptedmotit tltsitict: no pets: re I erences. I A kehiust extension 22ft. Evciiiiuts PI edmont Mis. 1( Allen. A owner uij; resident and pioperty it f)aklaiid.
desires unfur nished. 2 -bed 1 00m aiirtmcnl or duplex Ijumiii ss, professional and bank references. HI phate fi7lfi. ALAMEDA or Lake District; youns couple desire 2 or furmslied apartment, no children or pels, day workers. Mrs.
Hart, after p.m., TE mplehar 5700, extension 552. APARTMENT or apartment flat, unfurnished, 2 bedrooms. 3 adults, permanent; lifelong residents of Oakland, Lake district. $85; High-gate aORi APARTMENT 01 small house, im nihed; urgently needed by work mg couple: no eh ild 1 en -pets; hum drinker icrvanis Tl! 1 A I 1 1 i A I 1 1 E. well nn to shed excel lent local ion.
Pled moid, neat San Francisco and local rids; 'A lai in tv no til her room -ei- i-entlen-an PI edmont KI29J Al Navy couple. 3 vear old daughter desire furnished apartment or house: nnh -drinkers; non-smokers; pei inanenl $7r maximum. Phone SW eel wood 500! local business man and wife need a furnished or tin furnished apai 1-ment: any good district: pay $RH) to glad I furnish references. CaM KE HogK.3-332H. APARTMENT flat ior house, fur 'pished: Berkeley.
Albany district; three adults; Insurance man, wife. daughter; permanent references. Ruby. AID I mding reasonable 2 or 3 room furnished apartment appreciated bv couple. Have no pels 1 SW retteond APAHTMENT or middle-aged couple GL cnco'itl 3V7'I wa ALI Na rid.
en or lurublu lieutenant and AN dm cr fi024 ii wile, tin A PAH I'M ENT. I in nished; young couple. 11011 -drinkers: references. Mrs aVnes. Mogn 3-1707.
BUSINESS couple, nn children or pels: 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; must have stove, refrict-t-ator; maximum will consldi-r lease; pcjinanent Oak-land pre-ferretl TE mplehar 3008. BCSlhESS eouple wants hiyh kc-fui ntsherl apartment, jtar trans-portat umi permanent respon a tile; best of references. GL encourt COUPLE, goiui reieicnees, liolh ri'lmble; no children, no pets: needs room furnished apartment. Lake district, or upt In Avi'Iikss. or up to yOtb SlJ'eel; residents of Oakland for 10 vears.
Hubert Kroinn, 24:12 Stuart Street, Herkelev. COAST Ciuiird olitcer on pennanent orders and wife, desire furnished apartment; will pay up to Call Lieut. Ijgt Hcffcrnan. KE llngg CLOSE in; 2-3 rooms, furnished; employed, married girl. GLencourt 9000.
local 102, days, evenings. HI ghgate 446R. COUI'LE with child want unfurnished bouse or apartment with yard; Berkeley-Oakland; reference: permanent. HE rkeiey 4614W. COUPLE want unfurnished 3-room apartment, lake view; references, employed: Piedmont 5464J.
need 2 rooms. kitchen, hath, furnished, so I can net marred: lust back from over- permanently stationed: refer ences; call Ensign- einumeK way, LA kehurst 3-2200. extension 418, night LA kehurst 2-40BI). DESPERATELY wanted, small fur-nlshed apartment or room and board for Navy wife and 11 months son. AN dover utma.
DISCHARGED Navy man and wife desire nice furnished apartment TR inidad mfl2. EXECUTIVE and- wife Willi no children want to aub-Tett Sour furnished apartment in uaxt Mer ritt vicinity for month or six weeks while you take a vacation. Wanted by May 20th or 25th Rest of references. Phone OLen- court 5150. EMPLOYEE Army Air Forces, wife, 2-year-old son desire completely turnisnea i or 2 pea room apartment or house bv June 1st: local references; will pay to ilOOi afttr a nr.
s.a fKll'L6Vfefl Uy wishes i or'f'iur-nlshed or unfurnished room for housekeeping. une. Box M37H5S, TrltK 70 2 Guard Wanted. By iarge Berime k-v iajit. Tr-t be a iidd--gci 1:." ind and or.en warned, ccelieri! if vacation ancT lor pt-'xri nereMir Ptai i Bo ,.426 riu-e reip ce ll IGH be red edge oi mauFt: S'ret'l fc1 Lea OaK'a-d JANITOR wa gL.d 5 l5t aireo.
od pay LVXCH crui-iv dd Wir GL ei-ci iv per sent i gated CH-x taitc war god pa 48- hoLii Auii'v pe: -n Cortamets Oakland Mr teiult tvt i-vfa! rri- rt a tv 01 i-fk Meter eadry Ddkl.iiid. St reet Sa Men Women Various po-Hion upeti fur and ftim.Mi H(ue Good sta-lmj; -alai ant working toudituins 1m discount on aTi pvi Apply 4th Floor IVi-onne! tenner Ward 29th Aven F.a-t 14th Street th men Ouiei plea- ut and MKN wul uimuii. uu-itiH- oi.Woitd War eatn SU pi i d'i (idul.it-m petition A la met la Countv must lie votei's Ala-! meda Countv. Apply tmmediatelv California Uuh Street. iJaktand- Cil.
em-mot 4'f! M'KI) "vouple. home ami eh iui rustled, wunt handv priS'lf. no rii.nkuiG Call Sid Snow, SV eel wood XV20 POT tilt I 7 for hakt i.v, go Coltetie Avenue rd TAILOR, tintfoi m--. Palm) Av Ull age lp 1717 Sim i WOOl rTeSSerS Experienced or willing to learn Golden -t A1. tt U.MAN will, in In work in Ihhih' salai TH oi all to I il ami 15 AGENTS, SALESMEN A Real Opportunity I ending i cat estate ha I i mi tor two Ine wile rum I ih lu make mone pj-nl VciliMiig.
pletllv t.l lea.t. plee help. jlr JKi.oih.ut eveniiic- oi TK mplcli.u i Kdlim; Kberl-mt I ii Ii li li.tl!.'! DEALER w.tntert Mnod li litui Inc. Tout- in, ike lai lionie Ncrr Mlics. medicine, (n cs, elr well known eei connlv.
I'tn par-tteolar-- wiili- Raw Di pait-iih-nl CAE 3(M 142, Oakland. California. ran do it ov er i I c. You talk sarin, so -com1 with in-; plenty clients, veilivinj; i ui nilied Tlentv ad -II. id loi a ion to sel I homes.
1 Really. Ilmli and Hetldmr. AN lui 441.. REAL estate man, capable of lakmg i liaigc of small nl'lire. L.
R. KE Hogg 2 opporiuiut.v tin wdb pleasing peiouahtv or a live wue real estate amat inn plenty of pro- peets and assiviance furni -bed bv oft ice. Town Realtv. (Jiand Avemie. WE pay top trout moue nu sell on leads; make $100 week or more.
Earnings start flisi week; expcii-enee jiot requi i ed. Pep anil enthusiasm key to sab's. See manager. Suite 272. Monartnock San Eiaiu isco.
17 POSITIONS BY MEN. ACCOI'NTINC. linn-, liii.llllllv li.il.ilii-i' fil'nlit In. Lili'iiHiil' el limriil IV il I ACl'Dl A i I llr IHi -tlh lllllllll llIM illl .1 In IH'lLDINd iiadc.smeii i steady emplovment as wi'M as jobs or contracts, advertise under those headings. Painters, etc.J I UeiM flea! inm; Hit to HI'), EXPERIENCED tools, Lour.
i.ci Mmi KE IUwk 3 MANAIiKMKNT pnipcru w-lairv pin KK I'll a I H.llM NKU I IIMKK'. P-H I 1 1 Hoi pet let i.l C.iihiiln laiil .,,1 18 POSITiONS BY WOMEN ASSIST v. Hit homcwnik. 4 hours 111 11 nun; Ti d.i week walk ini divtnnce to MncAfthui bti-. SW eel if! A -1 1 a 1 1 bdi en.
cx tt-1 tern ed, capable Kil alter noons or eve mnr: Ijl ehate 7ll7 P.OOKK EKPEH. rjBtrjjricrTCl'Jj 1 a 1 le 1 jjo-. i (Ton Al salary. Box Ttihilne COLORED gu 1 work dav Si wiuiis lour hour: per houi and car- fate TE mplehar nm I CI OlM'l iVlTll i TlH" KF. Horn- conU'lou: olf DA DAY'S PI one ii l-Ol 1.
I-'- Ill I. l.oui. (at.ddine VOKK. oikei. TE 1 i ar lai DA Y.
Wfiik; 4113 ft. I hoi Plioiu- 111 Kh- EXI'ElilKNt El l. in ranch fftr- im-ii, by relined. mrtldle-ageil woman. Take full charge if and di ive KE I Nm 4-27W.
EXPECTANT mother-, serv iceman' wife, wants care for child or light housework in exchange for room and boatd: THornwull Oflla. EXPECTANT im.lhci. Will care for vim and babv; do homework: to fl hour- daily. Til ornwall 0020 HorSKKKF.I'Kli. i.iii' chililri'ii; hai, ili.M.
run, ,4" hniiiri, s.ilnry; flllHUf, llHVillll f'fVITI'd. lillX Ttihiui- IKiLSEWORK. lawn, ti nniiimg et-. P.o M4I V. hour Tuln owing a pel 1 HOCSEWOKK.
eleainng. 11 per hour; Dirnonff fljsl 1 ret 3- UM'i mmg. KE llogg MORNINGS, homework by 2 -isiet-, colored. TH ornwall lof2, Pailme Miller liral. HE rkeiey night duty 1 k.
pei maneni KE llogg 2-0a32. PRACTICAI niliil lllllit am 1 I.v pxnnri- keeping rnir; hrst rflfirttct's. Jinx Trilniiii- I' li ojirl ill', A I 111 vy iioiiid ni 1 SEC KKTAHY (le- at lilc. expel lent ed, position: lUAIishi) inn sc. pin tnr.
TH ornwall fwi'i: lime nuis YOUNG colfiied nut wauls wink as dental or doctor's assistant. No exuftticjice: call HI ghgate after y.nV i YOI laiiy answi-i mii li'lepbories. Dav prefel red. Hp rBelCv WE CAN DO IT Keep it in repair. First aid for all your troubles.
Ar ranged alphabetically for your convenience AI.TIRATIONg and complete re-modeling services for your home or business; we apeclallKe In cabinets and tile work. Phone (. Watt Tile A Cabinet Company, Bichmnnd 4171. ttAKUr.RINO. learn In your apart time, earn tuition.
Moler'i, 472 tin. i iEl I i i i APARTMEITS W1ITE0 (Coatiimedt FURNISHED flat wantM by permanent couple; Lake district; noa-drmkcis; references: up to (65 per month. HI(ta gate 4920. jPlOl ED refined couple need 4 room furoisfaed apartment. Call evenings; TE mpiebar Z3ut.
rvfiitiatttj apartment; ouunes couple: must be nice district. Box siiu. Tribune. JUST back from South Pacific. Navy officer and bride seeks snail furnished apartment or house or fur- mshed room: permanent; prefer iwywini.
aan iorenro or aan Le- anaro. call HI gngate ZZ38. pygiij; fv iamir sat urgently in need of 3 room fur. mshed apartment; above 35th Avenue; near transportation- Catt cKaven B-l55. MARINE desires furnished apart-ment: no children, non-dnnker.
ni gngate 5i. NAVAL Supply officer and wife, permanently stationed in Oakland, desire unfurnished apartment, flat or small house: no children or pets; references given. Phone RA ndolpo 735. NAVY flier, wife desire furnished, unfurnished apartment: just returned from overseas, therefore no children, no pets. OLympie 1171 after 5 p.m.
NAVAL officer and wife desire furnished apartment permanent. Oakland residents; reference. TR miriad 9324. NAVY couple, permanent, urgently bedroom apartment or preferred; close-uv T. ndseaoe 5-2080 NAVY couple, no children, want small furnished apartment; Oakland.
Berkeley. Richmond, Box M41464. Tribune. PERMANENT middle-aged business couple, needs 2-bedroom. uniur- mslied apartment: no children or pets; up to S150 month.
TE mpiebar or t.L, encourt PERMANENT. Berkeley couple, tx- serviceman, wisnes furnished Email apartment; references: TH ornwall 8123: TW Inoaks 4421. PULLMAN porter and wife want Nmall, furnished apartment or housekeeping room. Please call PI edmont 54H5W. PROFESSIONAL couple desires un- furnished 3-4-S room apartment or house.
Lake district. GLencourt 3938: Mrs. PROFESSIONAL man and wife de- sire furnished apartment; perma nenl: rent open. EV ergreen )88fc RESPONSIBLE Army officer and ife desire furnished apartment or nouse. can ghgate zazo tension 628.
RESPONSIBLE, war" working cou- pie. desires 2-4 room, furnished apartment. Call LA kehurst 3-2635 after a p.m. QUIET, refined, middle-aged coupli want 2 or 3 room furnished apartment; Lake district; permanent; no children, pets, nor drinkiog. GLcn-court Room 207, SftKYTCEMAN and wife expecting babv urgently need 2.
3 -room fur nished auartment: nermanent PI edmont 6241W. Mrs. MacDonald lifter SIX months old baby wants 3 or 4 rotJin or apartment ior Naval officer and wife; willing to suin six months lease. TH ornwall SERVICEMAN and employed wife desire mail furnished apartment, a-r transportation. I edmont 624 1AV.
Mrs. Eunice Skecn after 5. SERVICEMAN and employed wife want furnished apartment, near A or tram. HI ghgate 3080, Ex tension 70, Mrs. Clark.
HHVICE man and wife desire small apartment: maximum $45; tin children; permanent; GL en-conrt S3IW. SOLD home, must have 2-room apartment, furnished, unfurnished; pav 3 months' rent, maximum $35. LOckhaven 8-0531. SMALL furnished apartment or cottage, vicinity 45th and Shatter. Elderly couple; permanent.
PI edmont SMALL apartment or housekeeping room. Quiet elderly employed0 cou ple. Rox PiOiO. Tribune. SERVICEMAN and wife wish small apartment; prefer Grand Lake dis trict.
TKmpieoar 6076. TWO working girls desire fur- mshed apartment, near San Fran cis co transportation, OLympie 4070. extension 22, before 4:30. TWO nurses desire furnistiecl. smal aiwrtnient.
vicinity Merritt. Chit 1 en 's Hospitals. HU mboldt 3471 befnre 2:30 p.m. TWO or three room; young couple; references. KF, llogg 2-3910.
Urgent Three or four rooms furnished, duplex or apartment: young mar lied couple no children. AN dover 71177. WILL care iur one or two children in exchange ior room ana Dam, apartment, for naval officer, wife and son. Call. Mrs.
Conlon, KE 1- loi'p 3-2270. ftUKMNu mother, 11-year son, wants furnished apartment, Berkeley or El Cerrito; TH ornwall 867J, alter p.m. 2 IN.n.il servicemen, newly mar ried (colored 1 and wives, (both expecting babiesi forced apart by hunting limitations aiidj'etric-J Ttnir, urnentl.v desire bedroom Im ti- heil or uniurnisied apar in, -ni. or house tor rent. Will pav im In sn.i.
Mailyn. TH osnwall 1 11 1. .1 pin d.nlv.. 41- ir, 111 tlassiiicalioii, employed Oakland couple with card desires 2. 3 room furnished apart ment near or trains.
AN dover 9175. References. 21 Duplex, Apartment Flatt JUST completed! Three room aoart- ments in attractive duplexes. KMX Oakland: $48.50 month; uniur-mshcri: card required. TStint dad 2176 from 9 to 5, Henry Doel-Ker.
Builder, Incorporated. 6005 Enst 14th. 21 Duplex, Apartment Flats Wanted Al local couple, non-drinkers, don't smoke, clicw or mve crazy parties one child, no pets but must have roof over head: apartment house, in Oakland or Berkeley IU- rkeiey ADUL1S 1.1'. 2 employed; house flat or apartment; permanent; unfurnished: best of references. AN-dover 841.
need two bedrooms, un furnished, adu ts: no nets, perma- nent. last tenancy 12 years, present aec sola, oesi reterences. m- pleliar 0931, after 5 p.m, week days. CHIEF petty olflcer. two years overseas, wife and Sister wishes 2 bedroom apartment: permanent.
TE mplehar 1(120, extension 408. In, i'l, I) or apartment with bed room Near or transportation imi inooint I UuNiSHLD 3 or 4 room apart ment. flal or small house wanted by permanent couple; Berkeley or Piedmont district, up to 380: non- jli inkers; references. HI ghgate 49211. LADY desires 3 room unfurnished apartment or flat: North Oakland or Berkeley; $30 or $39.
Piedmont 7789-3184W. MAN and wife with ihlicr needs home badly. KE llogg 8-5241. UU1ET Navy couple, 7 months oi son require permanent, furnished dwelling. BE rkeiey 8124W.
WANTED To rent apartments, fur nlshed. unfurnished, for adminis trative men, engineers and account- ants. Kaiser company, libra- court 0564. extension 148. 5 rooms; couple with child, pay to $48; 6 months-1 year rent in ad vance.
KE llogg 2-7373, Local 348, except Saturday. Mr. Blowe. 23-HOTELS Mac ARTHUR Hotel, fire, earthauake wolf proof; married service couple only. AN nover win.
PLENTY rooms, families welcome. single or double, families $3 up. umvcrsiiy now. jai rcwcj 1BB7. sssMwswwMMwwiywM 24 FURNISHED ROOMS ALAMEDA, near shipyard and all transportation; some with housekeeping privileges; men only.
1743 Central, Alameda, ATTHACT1VK front bedroom, mod-em hornet IS carllnel breakfast privileges; garagei refined business woman only, TW inoaks S97, A plcahant tunny roo.n ior rellnid man, non-annker; an conveniencen on bus line, la Keiurst a-twi. A nice ciose in; day iwinci non-drinking man, war worker, PI edmont 1T8W. ADAMli.1 2M Room, kllcbon pnv I Jlegest couple, so children. HI ah aic gi-u 11 iConllnuedi At Ot NTISG. bookkeeping all b.iMiie-.-e.
systetns installed mam-ta: ta reptt ii re ie rates expr eneed puohc HI' AOOi M)N(j-w CPA ex-I per ieme av ailable for additional a 1 1 a GL 8 al'. i.d -i orated Hunter. TE mpiebar 706. GL enco trt 7400 11 U1NO, a betitr lenuHiem.g erice, small fltvrs. wici'W.
gutters, roofing. pamt mg inside, lu'wrd Federal Modern uaiion GLt-ucv-iiXl ii. flei B4 rfiriatitm- pa.uung, it.iiiig, concrete: rt aora-'ile; in- SHtfed workmen. Bay Construction Cotr.panv. GL encourt 4SSii; AN- rtpvt 4820 Bl ll.liCi contiactoi renuKicling and lepainng restaurs- and stoie- a specialtv.
LA kehurst 2-UU0 Bt 11 UlNO. complete lemodehng service, caipenterifig. painting, roofms. concrete. BE rkeiey 4244.
Til ot nwall 80j; Bl II DIM. teneid 1 V. 1.. J. A rt- KE vont i ih 3itn 2 UJ4 lit iltNt.
aiiti i. pans. et-. TF '-I'Vlur 44t U'. aHeHt.t'ti iiujujid Bl II IHNO a)d leniodehng.
H- etit*ed conti actor. expenenred, tale- leaMTiah'e I A -5204 III ILDIN( lienced ivir.i'de'ung. i in stole-. leMauiant. exne-iinractoV.
KE llogg 4 2340 l.hl( and -tone Bai chmi-ne. general repair. State contractor AN dover IMiH K. Wrfll.v. paUo.
tally HI mboldt Lllilll- 2033. spe vmpm I AKI'lMRV -St i eamncts. hcK in, fenee-J. marches, kitchens. step.
Have i power saw' and planet. James Jackson. TK. mpit liar 3292 inoi ningN. eve- i AKl'l- I LKlNCi.
maKe and icpair poiehe-H "oois and feoees, remodel-tng SW eel wood 43f6. -KEilwgg after ti I leuuHiuiiiig, riwrftng-ir all tyj; gutter repairs; licenced contractor. a ll Dillon, Til ornwall A 1' epiui T77 protec- ion propen; etablished. reliable contractor, builder. Roofing, siding, p.imtmg.
KK llog 2-Hi89 UMMUiiiK. lemod-el alter. it ion; est imatC' cheei -fully Kiven. l.Ockhaven AKI IMI ItlNd. leinodeimg.
allei-l mg, all repair; estimate- cheer 1nlK- g.en. KK llngg IIISl, teacheis inlty add' to llieii im-omes; obtain pupilx through a ti.nl ei Ii -eiiu'iit in the prt-Jo" lot sal iti eel oi follnvviug these employment ad-: i'o-t $1 a word a iiumtii. Mi's l.a Kianke, TKniplcbar l.i 1 Mi lion net jour nult i to tu.w ior el muiev or tut i- i Wi- have el ti lent hill id uoipiuenl Iran Wood and Si.ppl.v IK lit knllei-. Alpine Couinany. Phone (I.I NIN(i, window shades.
Vi ne-tian blind-; "Excel'' Odorless Paste ie oik gu. ti ant Tit City Shade Company. 1127 Thud Avenue. Ill gna1e aw; LI. ANIMi.
now is the lime, lei Simw While Cleancis lo ti job. floor s. waxed, ihI ished Windows no fuss, no muss. Ci(. en-louit tClll til VMM.
Slandaid Clean- ers; white, ireureic-. kilehens ourj mum i.iln flitnis oohstied: excellent I in kmaiiship TE uudt bar CLEANINCi, house, window: floors i elect i ically polls lied wni kmen in sored. Clalemont Cleaning. TH orn- wall MHIH ANINti, G4lu House Clean ing Service; Hours; windows, kilehens. Help iiiMiicd.
TH orn wait t.MiT. CI.KVNINIi. cl.i-i,l-il-lil'.. ilc-niolhi'il. ri'paned.
F.ast Bay HM. OI. vnmlr 41111" work KiiaianU'tdi -s't spociallv: free csliinalfs. Lee, KL 1-Iobb 2 1111. i i.ai Iti'd; Ire LA iid.c.
wink, all Muaran- estimate. AiiKi'lo Sposi'lu Pe Ml all i unit Ail SI limn tin Job (no I'iill TK mplehar iHKlil IACIN( dance al le-- 1i lea i ii to in Mm rav altlimih i.v eo.t a tew cent-, mine per i. Arthur alti.ic!i-t.'ilcutcd teatlicl-. will enahle and you to liecoiiic 1401 id dancer in fewer mhis; come ijt lodav while low rates arc stilt in efti-rl. Aittiuf nt av Studios, 1 75f Hi oadwa TW niiii'iks UAS4 INO a.snic.T.
Icain correct halliooin dancinn e.i-ilv. are our ('undiiiucritals ad anced. a I es ui 1 lit i toed meilioci. liumha, S.unha. TilNKo.
JitlerhtlK. Fox Ttnt. (We nuile entiipari' orn TwHMIi lopiiole t'oiut TW oifak' IIAM'IM. i 1 1 1 dl: wall, In tiol. ihuriih.i.
mi-ittoil Lutlv.ij;-- tin" 710 Ei a l.AC!4,. miv.i sous; SI Lucille' TK mpiebar 1172? Bioadway, Illtl SS.M AKINT Alterations and tailor fill mgs (ladies' 1 snt is tact ion guaranteed, 3211.34th Street speculwmg suits and pajamas. 1 PI edmont 07110.1. slack Mtune DEN i lSTKV Plate 1, -rrttTiprt" VvTuTe you wait paired and Di O. Brt)tr-rfn, No ap- iimutn ni I MX KS Any te paidwod iaitt, lini'befl; old floors made-new; re-I iiie-biiig, bleach 1 tig, vv axuri, -giiataideett.
Kij-emaii Floor Set u-e. LO kha-t-n 1741. II.OOIO. a PI edinonl M. -t'clmi.
211 W. la 1 LOOKS WiiM-d, poll led, teelvvooled. a A 1. ref tloleon TE in.dehrfr itfi7. I I (Mills ('li-miiiiK.
ti-liiif Ihii; i' icn-Miliahlr. KniK, V. llnKH I I.OdliS; liiinlwnii'1. I HI.1.! 1 IK ll'IIMMi llllc linrrh. Ill KhiMti' LOOKS, hardwood, and rifiru-shel.
Je TR inidad leaneU. aiidcd i 1L HayiH LOO RI Sanded wax ed polished Tiy Anderson Son. SW eetwood f22lt. t.AKOI NINO Ni Vit-lorv garth-n spade work cnh. TE mplehar 2aKf.
Johnnie Player. (. AIUH.MM, for Victory darl fM7'l 01 Ifotfitillcr iardens, TR mi-LOckhaven JiClfU-'i GLAZING Repair winihw, (tame-, luiimts, table top-. AN tlo.e. 2laa.
II A I Ik I 1 '1 1 c't p' I Hiilll. iili'i I ice cmiMiltatmn. Helen Lr.f lv. II ar 1440 Hrnadwa TE mplehar 431(1 III.HIIAI.I.S. Ui.11 tMll It, lied lllli'ii Mllh Micrl, HI riilj IIKKIt AI.ISI.
LI di-Tclc- P'-iKlablv' L. C'liiin. III IU1AI.ISI Won. I rce. iiil 7lh ntcnls; rrni' ullalion Ml (illMl' IAI I.IN.
Iii.li Ihkk i ton Krili'ii 111I1-Hurk. KKI- INSTRI I ION Mi.iiil ri'tn li. Porlm'tiofl-, con i a 1 ion urfliiiinal 1 class: private. TW inoaks I.NS HI "I IONS. Iiiiini-; Stale cic-I rlcntials; Kiiaiuntecd aecoirlion, rentals.
Til midad I.VS I Aci oKllon, liolne; beginners welcome. Clint Herbert. KE Hunt! 3-3440 garden masonl-v. cement Datlos. architect, barbecue pits: ffce estimate.
Call.Pat.LOck- hnven 8-25S7. LAI cuilalna, pitiless straluJit; fluting. Call, deliver. AN d7.ver lB2r. l.lNill.EIM laid, cemented; reason-able: expert repairing; Quality work.
OL ympic 4'i52 MA'TTKKKKKS. Innel spl lugs, box spring made over like new; finest workmanship: East Bay Rug. mattress, upholstery cleaning, OL ym-plc 4H00 MAITKCSSfcA renovated and remade, box springs rebuilt; sanitation featured; aatUfactton gitftritn teed. Mulkev's, OL encourt made over, expert workmanship. Bear Mattreu Com-pariy, PI edmont 3338.
MATTBKNH renovating; innersprin srwHaltsls. Qnalltar Mattreu. AN-dover S172. 1920 East 14th. I I i i I 4 ers earn j4d.ji per momn; inters earn S342.59 per month helper earn $233.72 per month; above minimum, can earn more.
BetrJe-hem Steel Fabricating Division Apply 338 14th Street, Oakland, or LA kehurff 2-0611 Westinghouse Wartime lohs. with excellent peace time opportunities for men; machinists, welders, fitters, assemblers. winders for repair and manufacture of electric motors, transformers and am aonarus Cat -or 't- office. 5815 Peladeau Street, Emery ville. Warehouseman Trucker Two men needed by established fn'ii for steady, permanent poMtion on day or enmg shift opport uni' with good poM-war f.iture for ir.er; looking for permanent job Pacifu Manifold Bo.k Stanford Dovfp Stttp Enle'-v Welders and Tackers 59 hours week inside work, wai contract; good transportation and parking.
Independent lion Works. Ltd Eighth and Pine Street. Oakland. Wareh ouseman-Permanent Light, pleasant work for man who wants nennanent ioh- SIHOi per month to start; "Waf veteran can. handle this job, W.
Kawleigh 1 306 Adeline Street. Oakland WAREHOUSE itten. job in a nationally established food industry; 'good pay. plenty of overtime, excellent pot-war opportunity. Apply Doughnut Corporation America.
1255 fi7th St-eet WATCH maker or appretice to take and deliver repairs and make minor adjustments; union wages and plenty of overtime. See Mr Twain. Brent's Jewelers, 1215 Broadway. Warehouseman National Lead Company, 297 10th Street. 13 WOMEN WANTED Ambit iottt itrl Women If the war ended tomorrow would volt have a mb? Learn nl-luie; paid while learning.
Ltain llu-Lee Ann approved meihotl vvhicli guarantees a IiikIi palng uoMtion: new opt-iulms Willi neV ine'li-id. will go platen now and Mitel the wur. Lee Ann Heautv iv 141 ti and a-hintil-'ii TW 21 VS. Ambitmus i rl We want a ide awake gi ri for responsible position now open. Must have accoimt-mg---expAwhHe tpwwuf I and bf able to hilities as secretary to 1np five.
This position will pav a god alary and offer real oppnrt unit v. See Mrv Ferguson. Sherwood Swan A oft ice. second flout At Block Agency Hmid- Room fi03. Bank of C.mmiCH mg.
1540 San Palm. Aeuo Kith; tvpist-hi lei start SI te raphrr clerk. hnur-, $12" book keeper stenographei (lowntoAu JI.jO; steno'grapher-r-1 a I 2i down) own, Menograpru i laiistieal typist. 220: ai- tvpp-t. 40 hnui s.
downtown V-0 A Sales Clerk with retail experience: full or part time: references required r-nicrv ville near 40th and San Pablo; sev eral convenient transportation lines Key trains, streetcars, misses, rnon 10 to 11. 2 to 4. HU mboldt 7ti00 An Essential Industry 30 women needed, all departments. fi'M or part-time. Pioneer Laumli v.
63rl Stre-et; 3 blocks f.T S.m Pablo. Attention EfierUMitVff' of tint e)r lie need ninter ami fountain help. 4H Imm week. 0 -da i and up St man- T. TW tnoaks Attention Salesladies Experteneed; oppoil unity to earn to $30 weekl.v; also openings lor Saturday on ly.
(J ra.vson -s. U01 Washington. A Shoe Saleswoman li'ai-h ynii, G.illi-ii K.imp. 9S2 'I'dc- PAHTIKNT plf. lld.lllll ami Ml.
SMI im'Ii apftip'M ill. nlil -lali' rpi niir Hi. Tnii- Al teni'nraphpr. hup unii can dn or learn dictaphone and vtirdlri hwitch hoard, apply at once Kruit-vale Canning Company, 905 tiHth Avenue Ambassador Laundry Co. white and In red wojne 11 wanted.
lififl Street. j' Alteration Part or full enced top time; nuit tie experi-vae-. Mairj s. 1 1-S i AVAILABLE 3 roo. Lake for reliable' housekeeper, rel'i court 3(544.
apai trrient near nld iiui-mv litiht ent es, cn- Ai.l. anjitod beauty 01 bonis, ton alarv Sutter Beauty fJrand. ret ntrl (iL t-ncourt Sivlon. 37'2 Bank Positions Oportunities for addmii maehine operators and eterk e-wential industry experienced or inexperi -enced: full pav while learning; excellent starting salaries and pieasant working conditions, time and one-half for hours over 40; four blocks from Terminal. Phone FP tier HflOfi BEAUTY opcraloi no ingtil oi k.
top wages, co'iunission: a-dav week if drsirerl good clientele. Re ke'cv BOOKKEEPEH-Cleik; 44 Mount a week; salary 5.170 month; state age. experience. rite Hai i Cravtot lo. Avenue.
1 op guaranteed week inn; Be- Reiner P. Cfdiece Avenui 1 r.id iiniiMi ant. ShI'hi. Berketc y. BhA I TY ope: or pt 11 in I ali atfiund: day week: Mondays "If top wases.
Page Beautv Salon, 3421 Lnkeslv.re Av enue. (takland opeiatur. commission, your own hours, a 2a a College; HU mboldl between 10-30 and 4. BcAU'l'Y opeialm v4'anted Kood salary andeomrnissinn: good vmk-ing conditions HI ghi'ate 937: IT po BEAUTY operator. SXt nd com-snaee for ission closed nn dav; manicurist.
2a22 Bancroft Way. PF.ACTY ojerator v.an'ed. no following necessary; Saturday 'f LVkehort 21144 Operator top sal-Eastmont fi33 ar.v; Monday t. off Beauty Shop. in I "lad beAL'TV operaVir needed, manicurist.
Martin'" Beauty Salon. 3224 Grnnd Avenue. BEAUTY opcraloi. lop vaiarv anrl rommisnion. LA kehurst 3-2112.
LA kChnrsr S-34R9. BEAUTICIAN iid rioys: l.nae mrii'ti'rv KE Hone 4 Si'M -n and Fin'h. ha foi 1-iin --fl pn nni'l Ihn po'i'ioii. I. pi'l itHri hr.irl Sill.
Aiplv prt.onnri olficr. 14th and Cry. COLOHED woman for rhambor- maid work: good waKf. Rimd hniirn. Hotel Carlton, BE rkeiey 5S4.
i 4 1 I I A I. i i 1 I Broadway at 20th in Oat land, be tween 10 30 and 6 p.m. Those in es sential industrv plee dn not apply, Dental Assistant Permanent job fr a dependable 1 girl: experience not necessary. Call from a ni only HI ghftate 0221. DENTAL.
oi with denial exptri'iicc uetwral office work. Lawrence Hunter, dental supplier, rranmin street, wonm DANCE nartner. Palomar. over 21 vfarv nr s.teadv UofK average $50 week: $1 hour mini-niiim puaranl.ee. 706 Franklin, Oakland.
TE mplehar 9647) Dental Nurse Experienced, permanent; sa' a t)i. Center. GLencourt DISH lory Mrs washer ior women's wages find two meals. Kay. AS hberry 2RRfi dorini-Phone EXPERIENCED, all-around beauty operator wanted, steady work; good 'salary.
Apply to The Joe Ann's Beauty Shop, 888 Colusa Avenue. Berkeley. Elevator Operator Call at renin. Harrison Hotel, Har- F.levator Operator Wlule. Apjilv 1440 adway.
Boom F.LLIOTT up-ialor; aetiiunl-. li'rt-n able. Ptiiiiie Mr. Maeoon. J.
F. 1 1 ink Son. BK rkeiey linn 1. in. ii.
ii lIMii.l (ail TUuiilicI IS12 1)1 i miihI Ii Mv, i HI KK Uoau 4 bite chamber majd Lieut. Hotel Traveler, 392 1 Hh r.Al'h.liitit r.l dupei aK" 644 EGG candlerv, ex per icnced; above, scale. vAppIV 'MM Street. sieady Websiei EXPERIENCED lieauty opciator, day week. LA kehurst 2 7700 J-ountain Help Help the war effore in an essential 'food tndusi i ood salar.v no vcnik; experienced or ine- i pei icnced.
The Carnation Co 14tb Street. See Mr. Shrarler. II vmi, are in an essential industry please do not npph' Fountain Girls Experienced nr inexperienced for Oakland. Berkeley and Alam-ria; union wages, meals and uniforms furnished; dav and night shifts.
See Mrs. Robertson at Borden's, 2743 San Pablo Avenue. Oakland FOUNTAIN QtJtitchen help, exper-ience not necessary. TR midad after 2 p.m Graduating? clerical with a "pott-war' laud eoi jMini-work is intcierting in a hi-re rid you'll like fellow woi li vlc'idv iidviiiu nt in an itu- tanl held. A career, in lust i2t.
Ti rbttiuv not Ii-tte "job. Box tjirls 7 wo W.mti'ti In (ju.ilifv for position u-ith spf'iati1 piintlnp coiict'in; lilllil. inliri'tinfi mi l.iv nr I'VeiiinK slnll: winking cim-(tiliniiv Appiv lnrifu- Manildld Hunk i. Slanl.iiii and Uij Ir. Kinri lltiv General Cli-rk.
pi hilli-T. Miinrnr i III I'll. I i pi cm i per iiilh 571m ip- Trm su Fi.i PI! OllHC UIIIk, III infci. hull a'nwei im: lelc-pliiuie: 411 limn week, no Kalui -flay: Sl.i iiionlh; nnit he in Kavt Oakland or San I.eandio, lair full parlicnlari and phone tiimibei in fust letter. Post Office Bi Kimhiirnt Station, Oak-land Girls, Worrten Wanted Feeders, folders, garment and shirt er; no experience rectuued; -goftd op-poriuntly- for pay advancement.
LauiKlfv. 4(01 drove Street, I Offi jenera ice Tvpi-i and general office work -It-adv po-l war nosrtu.n. open, cent 1 ally located, apply hlo ('hem it -a I Ma in if ad ui ing Com pan v. 12H0 4.Vh Street (illfLS. women.
IH 1o 40. loi n-tail woik; no i jei lence iieces ry 1 starting a la ra 1 arhancement. Sf-e Mr. Peteison, y.mkeV. 1208 Wa--hinglfm Slieet.
01 fui ic-wcaving and oj fir a1--1st ant experienced or will tram; salary while learning, permanent assured future. Box PHWIL Tntmne. GIRL or woman for general work ardund retail store, experience unnecessary, good wages; George Benipff. 1733 Broadway. GIRL, of shorthand and typing.
A permanent, 6' day a week. Apply Schwartz and Crn- dm. 12th and Broadway. 'GIRL wauled to wink in stoic; ex-01 it-net- good work ing conditions and salai v. A ke-li'o- Ifit3 iAL liO'i-ev.
ol 1. and cooKtng. 1 mi her ed. per icm-ed 1 ef SI live im Riihumntl tor icirpiioi is! gottd 1 lath St and to leai Appiv et 3rd floor to pa.K shreM eft bacon, tou-l k. Ar)plv John be iat.
MorreM S-dav iind Cfi 304 2nd St reel iRAiH" ATE revt I nn niwlit I482.T Hostess For leading loiintain re-laurant must be alert and co-operai rve; chance ff(r advancement in large participation pen- s'ni plan lean, wholesome- sot undings. For appointment, cull TW moak- House Mother Infant cottage. children' home IL.vward or wnte 1019 Second Street it; 1 -1 ni. en Alhlclif, 525 Brllevitw Ave- HfjTEI. rlprk $120 month; xpcr- IITICP Hotel.
nccts-sary. Will Rogers Miicmn A Coinpiinv, litoadway at 20h Street, Oakland, have permanent position for saleswomen in port. and slove departments; also will 'not eon- sirler anyone whose present or past eii'iil, iiieni has hecn In essential Insurance Girls Oownliiwn permanent horl lutor- iroorl alary nuisl be ripahle typists. Mr. O'Reilly.
TK innleJiiir i wnite. a maid ofiice bnilriinR. work same as I'leaning. no mopping. Hoiirn 4 to 12 p.m.
1706 Broadway, Room 30L ilANITHESS, white; houM to suit. Room W)l Franklm Building. 1 rood iSecretary advertising agency or baekgrtMind fur YtH'NG ladv with li-aehmg evpeu-ence for girl at home. hmu--eaeh aflernoon, 5 days a week. a day lake district uiv a par I il lar- fiu Tilbune $32 Per Week Young taclv for furniture w-ork: downtown Apph Mi.
12th Street, 13 DOMESTIC HELP CONGENIAL, capable white woman to help pari lime, $15 per week and hoard, room if desired, HU m-boldt 5Sfi4. CAPABLE nurse, take full charge of 2 year old child and infant; no heav duties; salary open. PI ed mont BJ71. COLORED second maid, live in, must have references and experi-ence: adults. TH mnwafj COOK, 4 da mpie weklv.
iue pare and set m- dinner for 2 adults PI edmont OOUfi II I il I lii'r niiiiitli. 'mini IH4 in k. iinij ll.l.llll I'l ilium ELDERLS' lailv si'miriiiiiiiV! wife, no objection to small biii; -IM-Ip care for working mother's: home. 2 chi Idrcn loom, board, small salarv; in San Le.mdro, iichi Oak Knnll. TR imdad Jla.iti I ELDERLY housekeeper who needs I home, I lomng.
lichen 2 1 1 live in: sahuv $03 inonlhlv. LA ke I EXPERIENCED day cleaning. Call alter Wi In 7 i KOI! uf (hilitrrn: wlntr niid cmik. fuliil Illl inlinlill WM v.hili in ti work am! i lilldn limn. Imaril ami i ASIilimr-.
tin in II. 1 1,. I. i. $711 inoiilli HOPSEK KKi'HV home, tin vv 01 emUt eai old In lull knin couple, iv ynod home vaes Appiv loi mtei view Exchange Slret-t.
20.12 Wehstt 1 HOlJSB.KKKI'Elt, evoking, be I 30-4fi; 2 adults, 4 veat girl, white, $120 month. OL ympic 3708. HOUSEKEEPER. "Jaiui-rirv, modern h'ime, live in or out, $100 month; TW inoaks rH44. IO UiitlK ELI jn valid hv in salary logg 4 2tHi7 KE IKJLSEWOHK.
while, unem umbel ed as mem her if family at liaHne ro'im. $0fv TR midad H002 HOL'SEKEEPEIt. small LA ndscape a after -1 -1 -aim and boaid. 42H Kan St TW inoaks floor MlDDI.I. aci-d Imu -ekcept 1 lor emltlov eft iiiishaiul.
mon' "OLDER woman to eai toi old liuh! housekeeping, chaiiKe loom- boaid and SW ed wood 1. lac. PI etl ORijN'F)A hoiisi-keepei lovely mii -roundniKs. nice room, private bath SI 00 per 'monlh. Ormtla 4301.
PIONEER Re-t HoroV, month, maintenance salary per SW eetwood WOMAN oi couple lo tare for 3 year "old boy from a no homewoik or laundiy. 1232 Avenue WOMAN, light housework, small apartment. 2 adults, wife some assistance: LA kehurst 2 -1 muple. 3 el iiuien general Imu-c keeper: live in: loom, good alaiv. OL vmiuc 14 MEN.
WOMEN WANTED Boy and Girl Over MxU-cn fur woik: full nr litti'p. Aiplv C.UHly 2172 COl'PLE Woman for general hf.usewotk;.. man, gardening; 1 IIOIU' 1 iiicai initiiij jji' ii ant surroimdings; salary $150 nihil' ral tio.or) two Uf vacation with pay yearly; separate house, newlv decorated: living" room, bed rot nn. bath 3 milet from Walnut Creek. Phone Concord AIM.
CIKlK. Ity 12 111, on lo Withes In, in SHI up. Jolly Ann. AvrtiOf OilkliliHl i Darkroom Worker Female or male: al fo manage small relail photoKraphic store, cood salary, permanent and wide arietv fif work; must have, snm.e. knowledge of photoiirapy; will consider photographic amateur.
KE llogg 4-16011 for appointment-. DISHWASHER, rook. Tuesdays off, good wood 921i and waitress; pay. SW ect- I EN 0 amera artists -and highest salaries ever Ifl'iO photoyraphic receptionist, paid. Apply I helo.
leniiili male, and inside man: top union wages paid: steady employment. 195 41st Street, Help Wanted Men Ifi Ui 30; women IB to 4fl; fifH or part I tine work; Rood salaries plus eomtntssionn; outdoor work, desirable hours; widespread locations our Stat Inns makes poHsihle employ-ment nrarwyour home, Apnly stan dard Slalionn. 1500 Financial Center Biilldintf. 14th and Franklin Street. Oakland, 1 i i 1 San Leandto.
Box 10494. Tribune. IviiiMs junior clerks wanted for work in Oakland office. Kaiser GLencourt eteie-ion IPS: 422 Lattia.n Square BuiHinn SALESLADY, above average, fine opportunity, salary open; apply in person, Miller Jewelers, 1703 'i'ele-graph A venue, Oakland. SEAMSTHKSS wanted to assist tailor in men's clothing store.
Appiv 1001 Broadway. Factory Store SALESLADY, musf be experienced in drugs and cosmetics, good pay; steady. fiW eetwood 4747. STOCK and sales girl; line oppor-ttinilv. Firestone Stores.
East 14th at 36th Avenue: AN dover 8311. SALESLApY. se.iv: aged 2.r experience unne.ee-to 50. 360 fith Street. Telephone Company Has opportunities f'ir begum ers a-- itmeratnrv.
Some clerical jobs avail-; ahle Pay while learning Salarv in at regular Inter tmg. plea ant work vital to in ioi tanl ui peace. A good place 'to work. Appiv I Fiankhn Street Oaklnnd. ot 2337 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley.
The Pacific Telephone and Company. iTypists File Clerks 5-day week; downtown Berkeley; excellent wfoking conditions; opportunities ff)r advancement; permanent work; no experience necessary; age limit 45. Phone Mrs. Moore, iTHnrnwall 2100. State Farm In-S in ranee Companies, 2054 University Avenue.
Beikeley. i I DISC Pieter one with Eastman Kodak Sb.ro S'leet, Snn Franr-jseo. expr-rifpce 210 Pi.t TWO nirls for laundry work, no ex perience necessary, good working conditions. Hayes and Dm is streets, nan ueanaro. Westinghouse Women desiring security for post war activities, tyo eomptometer ep.
erators for payroll work, one general office clerk, in accounting department. Call at Accounting Department, 5015 Green Street, Emeryville. Western Union Needs girls for clerical positions: permanent. Interesting anif essential work; pay while learninn. If interested, apply now, 13th Street oi telephone TE mpiebar 7.116.
Miss Wells, emplovmenl sitpet visor Waitresses Counter Help To train for managers In chain of small coffeV- shops In Oakland. Berkeley and Alameda; experience not essential. Call TE mniehar 41.1(1. 0 m. to p.m.
WAITRESS for day thiti, Sunday off. 2078 center street, Berkeley..