The Growing Child: School-Age (6 to 12 Years) (2024)

The Growing Child: School-Age (6 to 12 Years) (1)

¿Qué puede hacer mi hijo a esta edad?

A medida que su hijo crece, notará que desarrolla habilidades nuevas y emocionantes. Si bien los niños pueden progresar a velocidades diferentes y tener intereses diversos, los siguientes son algunos de los hitos comunes que los niños pueden alcanzar en este grupo etario:

  • Niños de 6 a 7 años:

    • disfrutan de muchas actividades y se mantienen ocupados;

    • les gusta pintar y dibujar;

    • puede que pierdan el primer diente;

    • la visión es tan aguda como la de un adulto;

    • practican habilidades para mejorar;

    • saltan la soga;

    • andan en bicicleta.

  • Niños de 8 a 9 años:

    • más graciosos con los movimientos y las capacidades;

    • saltan, brincan y persiguen;

    • se visten y acicalan solos completamente;

    • pueden usar herramientas (es decir, martillo, destornillador)

  • Niños de 10 a 12 años:

    • se desarrollará el resto de los dientes de adultos;

    • les gusta coser y pintar.

¿Qué comprende mi hijo?

A medida que los niños entran en la edad escolar, siguen creciendo sus capacidades y comprensión de los conceptos y el mundo que los rodea. Si bien los niños pueden progresar a velocidades diferentes, los siguientes son algunos de los hitos comunes que los niños pueden alcanzar en este grupo etario:

  • Niños de 6 a 7 años:

    • comprenden conceptos de números;

    • distinguen el tiempo diurno del nocturno;

    • distinguen las manos derecha e izquierda;

    • pueden copiar formas complejas, tales como diamantes;

    • pueden decir la hora;

    • pueden entender órdenes con tres instrucciones separadas;

    • pueden explicar objetos y su uso;

    • pueden repetir tres números hacia atrás;

    • pueden leer libros o material apropiado para su edad.

  • Niños de 8 a 9 años:

    • pueden contar en forma regresiva;

    • saben la fecha;

    • leen más y disfrutan de la lectura;

    • comprenden las fracciones;

    • comprenden conceptos de espacio;

    • dibujan y pintan;

    • pueden nombrar meses y días de la semana, en orden;

    • disfrutan de coleccionar objetos.

  • Niños de 10 a 12 años:

    • escriben historias;

    • les gusta escribir cartas;

    • leen bien;

    • disfrutan de usar el teléfono.

¿Cómo interactúa mi hijo con los demás?

Una parte muy importante del crecimiento es la capacidad de interactuar y socializar con otros. Durante los años escolares, los padres verán una transición en su hijo a medida que pasa de jugar solo a tener múltiples amigos y grupos sociales. Si bien la amistad se torna más importante, el niño sigue apreciando a sus padres y le gusta la idea de ser parte de una familia. Si bien todos los niños son únicos y desarrollan personalidades diferentes, las siguientes son algunas de las características comunes que pueden estar presentes en su niño:

  • Niños de 6 a 7 años:

    • cooperan y comparten;

    • celosos de los demás y de los hermanos;

    • les gusta copiar a los adultos;

    • les gusta jugar solos, pero los amigos empiezan a ser importantes;

    • juegan con amigos del mismo sexo;

    • pueden tener rabietas ocasionales;

    • pudorosos acerca del cuerpo;

    • les gusta jugar juegos de mesa.

  • Niños de 8 a 9 años:

    • les gusta la competencia y los juegos;

    • comienzan a mezclar amigos y juegan con niños del sexo opuesto;

    • pudorosos acerca del cuerpo;

    • disfrutan de clubes y grupos, tales como Niños exploradores o Niñas exploradoras;

    • se empiezan a interesar en relaciones entre niños y niñas, pero no lo admiten.

  • Niños de 10 a 12 años:

    • los amigos son muy importantes, puede que tengan un mejor amigo;

    • aumenta el interés en el sexo opuesto;

    • sus padres les agradan y los respetan;

    • disfrutan de hablar con los demás.

Cómo ayudar a aumentar la habilidad social del niño en edad escolar

Considere las siguientes como formas de fomentar las habilidades sociales del niño en edad escolar:

  • establezca y proporcione límites, lineamientos y expectativas apropiados y póngalos en práctica en forma constante con consecuencias apropiadas;

  • sea ejemplo de la conducta apropiada;

  • ofrezca cumplidos cuando su hijo es cooperativo y por cualquier logro personal;

  • ayude a su hijo a elegir actividades que sean apropiadas para sus capacidades;

  • aliente a su hijo a hablarle y a que sea abierto con sus sentimientos;

  • aliente a su hijo a leer y lea con él;

  • aliente a su hijo a participar en pasatiempos y otras actividades;

  • fomente la actividad física;

  • aliente la auto disciplina, espere que su hijo siga las reglas que se establecen;

  • enseñe a su hijo a respetar y escuchar a las figuras de autoridad;

  • aliente a su hijo a hablar sobre presión de los pares y ayude a establecer lineamientos para lidiar con la presión de los pares;

  • pasen tiempo juntos sin interrupciones, dele atención plena a su hijo;

  • limite el tiempo con la televisión, el video y la computadora.

The Growing Child: School-Age (6 to 12 Years) (2024)


The Growing Child: School-Age (6 to 12 Years)? ›

As kids grow from grade-schoolers to preteens, you can expect many changes from their physical appearances to their favorite activities. Children between 6 and 12 years old will begin valuing friendships and become more involved in activities like sports and/or painting.

What stage of development is age from 6 to 12 years? ›

School age child development is a range from 6 to 12 years of age. During this time period observable differences in height, weight, and build of children may be prominent. The language skills of children continue to grow and many behavior changes occur as they try to find their place among their peers.

What is the age group for 6 to 12 years old? ›

Children between the ages of 6 and 12 are in the age period commonly referred to as middle childhood. As an age group, 6- to 12-year-olds are less obviously set apart than infants, adolescents, and even preschool children are in most Western societies.

What is the life stage with the age range of 6 12 years old? ›

Summary Chart
StageAgesImportant Event
3. Locomotor3 to 6 yearsIndependence
4. Latency6 to 12 yearsSchool
5. Adolescence12 to 18 yearsPeer relationships
6. Young Adulthood19 to 40 yearsLove relationships
4 more rows

What is the period of development from 6 to 12 years of age also called school age years? ›

Middle Childhood (Ages 6-12) A child's developmental path in their middle childhood years (between 6 and 12 years of age) contributes substantially to the adolescent, and adult they will become. Middle childhood is a stage where children move into expanding roles and environments.

What is the stage from 7 to 12 years called? ›

In 1936, for example, Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget worked out a theory that describes four main stages of child development: Birth through 18 – 24 months, a “preoperational” that includes toddlerhood and early childhood through the age of 7, a “concrete operational” stage from ages 7 – 12, and ...

What is the growth and development of a 6 11 year old? ›

Between the ages of 6 and 11, your child will likely gain an average of six to seven pounds each year, grow a little more than two inches each year, and increase in head size by about one inch.

What is cognitive development in 6 12 years old? ›

Cognitive development means the development of the ability to think and reason. Children ages 6 to 12, usually think in concrete ways (concrete operations). This can include things like how to combine, separate, order, and transform objects and actions.

What types of communication skills are seen in a typically developing child ages 6 12? ›

As kids progress in school, their comprehension and use of language will become more sophisticated. Usually, kids will understand more vocabulary words and concepts than they can express. Your child should be able to engage in narrative discourse and share ideas and opinions in clear speech.

What is the characteristics of 6 to 11 years old? ›

Children in middle childhood (ages 6-11) continue to grow in their mental abilities, physical abilities, use of language, self-control, friendships, and social skills. They are usually able to think logically and know the difference between fantasy and reality.

What should 6 year olds know? ›

Most children by age 6:
  • Can tell you their age.
  • Can count to and understand the concept of "10." For example, they can count 10 pieces of candy.
  • Are learning to express themselves well through words.
  • Start to understand cause-and-effect relationships. ...
  • Are learning to write.
  • Start to grasp the concept of time.

What is the behavior of a 6 year old? ›

6 year olds – May ride a bike, may start to see some words have more than one meaning, giggles about toilet talk, understands concept of time, testing limits around behaviour, may start to fear death. Children develop at different rates and what one child finds easy, another may find hard.

What happens during age 12? ›

This is a time of many physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. Hormones change as puberty begins. Most boys grow facial and pubic hair and their voices deepen. Most girls grow pubic hair and breasts, and start their period.

What is the emotional development of a 6 year old? ›

At this age, children can express feelings, although they might need help and time to identify and talk about tricky emotions like frustration or jealousy. They often have much better control over feelings too and might have fewer unexpected outbursts of anger and sadness.

What is the physical development of a 6 10 year old? ›

Children between ages 6 and 10 make major gains in muscle strength and coordination. Most children within this age range develop basic motor skills, such as kicking, catching, and throwing. Over time, children become more skilled at more complex activities, such as dancing, shooting a basketball, or playing the piano.

What do school age children need emotionally? ›

Good emotional health helps children to develop socially and learn new skills. In addition, having good friends and receiving reassurance and positive encouragement from adults help children develop self-confidence, high self-esteem, and a healthy emotional outlook on life.

What stage of development is age 6? ›

Middle childhood brings many changes in a child's life. By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Having independence from family becomes more important now.

What developmental stage is a 12 year old? ›

In young adolescence, 12- to 14-year-olds are in the young teenager stage of development. At this age and developmental stage, young teenagers' bodies undergo a lot of changes, including menstruation, painful growth spurts, and an increase in body hair.

What is middle childhood from 6 to 11 years old? ›

Middle childhood, from six to 12 years of age, is often known as the 'forgotten years' of development because most research is focused on early childhood development or adolescent growth. However, middle childhood is rich in potential for cognitive, social, emotional and physical advancements.

What are the stages of age development? ›

Infancy (neonate and up to one year age) Toddler ( one to five years of age) Childhood (three to eleven years old) - early childhood is from three to eight years old, and middle childhood is from nine to eleven years old. Adolescence or teenage (from 12 to 18 years old)

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.