10 Epic Ways to Respond to ‘Buenos días’ (2024)

In short – the best (and easiest) response to ‘buenos días‘ is a simple ‘buenos días‘ in return! ‘Hola, buenos días‘, ‘buen día‘, ‘igualmente‘ and ‘como está‘ are also excellent responses!

One of the phrases you´re going to hear all the time when in a Spanish speaking country is ‘buenos días‘.

Whether you´re exploring the colonial cities of Mexico, the beautiful beaches of Spain or the lush rainforest of Equatorial Guinea, you´re going to be greeted with a ‘buenos días‘ in the morning (and probably multiple times!)

But what exactly does ‘buenos días‘ mean? And how (the heck!) should you respond?

Well, fret no more, in this article I´m going to tell you 10 ways to respond to ‘buenos días‘ (yes, 10!!) AND sound more like a local in the process!

Buenos días‘ meaning

So, what exactly does ‘buenos días‘ mean?

Well, it literally means ‘good day‘; in Spanish ‘bueno‘ translates to ‘good‘ and ‘día‘ means ‘day‘. The English equivalent is ‘good morning‘.

Interestingly, Spanish is the only romance language in which the traditional morning greeting is in plural – ´buenoS díaS´.

In English (which, by the way, is a Germanic language, NOT a romance language), we don´t say ‘goods mornings‘. In fact, the more I think about it, the stranger it sounds!

Academics at the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language believe that buenos días‘ evolved from the longer phrase ‘buenos días os dé Dios (literally ‘God gives you good days‘) which obviously refers to more than one day.

Anyway, know we know exactly what ‘buenos días’ means, let´s get into how to respond!!

1 Buenos días

The easiest (and perhaps most common) way to respond to ‘buenos días‘ is by repeating the very same phrase back to the speaker!

The beauty of ‘buenos días‘ is that it can be used in almost every situation and with absolutely everyone. Think greeting your boyfriend / girlfriend´s dad for the first time to grunting your morning salutation at your best mate after a night on the tiles.

For sure this is the best option if you´re feeling shaky on your Spanish feet and can´t conjure up any of the alternatives on this list in the heat of the moment.

2 Hola, buenos días

This is another extremely common response to ‘buenos días‘ and it´s just as simple to formulate as the first response on this list. All you need to do is whack an ‘hola‘ in front of ‘buenos días‘ and you´re good to go!

Literally, this one means ‘Hello, good morning‘, which sounds a little odd in English, but I promise that it sounds natural as anything in Spanish!

3 Buen día

Buen día‘ is an interesting one because it´s actually more common in Latin America than it is in Spain! In Mexico City it´s just as common as ‘buenos días‘, but it´s hardly used at all in Madrid!

It´s thought that the influence of the English ‘good morning‘ led to this phrase´s proliferation in Latin America.

It literally means ‘good day‘ which, somewhat ironically, is now rarely used in spoken English as a standalone phrase!

Erika´s top tip – both ‘buenos días‘ and ‘buen día‘ can also be used as a way of saying goodbye to someone. This use is common to all Spanish speaking countries and you´ll often hear ‘Qué tengas (un) buen día‘ when leaving shops, etc.

Vendedor – ¡Muchas gracias! Que tengas muy buen día.

Cliente – ¡Igualmente! (we´ll get onto this one later)

Shop assistant – Thanks a lot! Have a lovely day.

Customer – You too!

4 Buenas

This is another one that is more country dependent. I remember that when I lived in Barcelona, all but one of my many neighbors would respond to my ‘buenos días‘ with a simple (yet effective) ‘buenas‘.

Here in Mexico, it´s not as common, but I still hear it from time to time!

Just watch out for the rather vulgar ‘albur‘ (Mexican double entendre), ‘las tengas’, which I´ve also heard from time to time!

Buenas‘ is an abbreviation of ‘buenos días‘ and can be roughly translated to ‘morning‘.

Jorge – ¡Buenos días!

Guillermo – ¡Buenas!

George – Good morning!

William – Morning!

5 Bonito día

Bonito día‘ translates to ‘beautiful day‘, and it´s a more “cutesy” response to ‘buenos días‘ and also a nice alternative to ‘buen día‘. Erika uses this one all the time!

Taxista – ¡Buenos días, señorita! ¿A dónde te llevo?

Erika – Bonito día, señor.

Taxi driver – Good Morning! Where to?

Erika – A lovely morning to you too!

Erika´s top tip – lindo día‘ can be used as an alternative to ‘bonito día‘, they´re synonyms and 100% interchangeable.

Both can also be used to say goodbye, too!

¡Qué tengas bonito / lindo día!

Have a lovely day!

6 Hola

You probably already know that ‘hola‘ means ‘hello‘, but did you know that it´s also an acceptable response to ‘buenos días‘ (and just about any other greeting)?

It´s a little more informal than ‘buenos días‘, to just about the same extent that ‘hi‘ or ‘hello‘ is more informal than ‘good morning‘.

If in doubt, you can´t really go wrong with a simple ‘hola‘!

7 (Y a usted) igualmente

You can use this little gem of a word as you can ‘you too‘ in English. It´s a perfectly acceptable response to ‘buenos días‘, even if not the most common!

Vecino 1 – ¡Buenos días, vecino!

Vecino 2 – ¡Igualmente!

Neighbor 1 – Good Morning, neighbor!

Neighbor 2 – Good morning to you too!

Igualmente‘ can also be used with ‘y a usted‘, which literally means ‘and to you too‘!

Vecino 1 – ¡Buenos días!

Vecino 2 – ¡Ya a usted igualmente!

Erika´s top tip – igualmente‘ is a seriously useful tool to have in your Spanish artillery box! It can be used to respond to most platitudes (‘gracias‘, ‘buenos días‘, ‘que tengas buen día‘, etc.) and is sure to make you sound more like a native!

Vendedor de churros – ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Qué tengas muy buen día!

Cliente – ¡Igualmente!

Churros seller – Thank you very much! Have a good day!

Customer – You too!

8 ¿Como está?

Another great way to respond to ‘buenos días‘ is with a simple ‘como está‘, or ‘how are you‘!

‘¿Como está?’ is the politest way to ask someone how they are as it is in the ‘usted‘ form, which is basically a more respectful way to say ‘you‘. As such, it´s the perfect way to respond to the more formal ‘buenos días‘!

Maestro – ¡Buenos días!

Alumno – ¿Como está, señor?

Teacher – Good morning!

Student – How are you today, sir?

Be aware that ‘usted‘ is more commonly used in Latin America than it is in Spain (although the Spanish do use it in some situations)!

9 ¿Hola, qué tal?

‘¿Qué tal?’ is basically a more informal way of saying ‘how are you‘. It´s super common amongst friends and people who already know one another, but should be given a wide berth in more formal situations!

You can pair ‘que tal‘ with a simple ‘hola‘ to form a short, punchy response to ‘buenos días‘ (and many other greetings)! Just make sure not to use this one in that job interview!

Erika´s note – if you want to know how to respond to ‘qué tal‘ (you´ve gotta get those responses down!), be sure to check out our magnum opus on the subject!

10 ¡Qué onda!

This is by far the most informal response on this list. ‘Qué onda‘ is actually Mexican slang and it´s the equivalent of the English ‘what´s up‘.

Qué onda‘ should only be used to respond to ‘buenos días‘ if you know the person really well! It´s not to be used to greet your teacher, colleague, boss, etc.!

Erika wasn´t that keen for me to include ‘qué onda‘ on this list as ‘buenos días‘ is intrinsically formal and normally requires a formal / fairly formal response, but there are definitely some situations in which it could be used!

Juan Carlos – Buenos días, wey.

Eduardo – ¡Qué onda!

Juan Carlos – Morning, dude!

Eduardo – What´s up!

Buenos días, mi amor‘, response

If a Spanish speaker is calling you ‘amor‘, it generally means that you´re in a relationship (or, at the very least, that you´ve been on a few dates!).

As such, feel free to respond with anything on the above list, with the exception of ‘como está‘, which is wayyy too formal for lovers (unless, perhaps, used in jest!)

Buenos días‘ or ‘buenas días

I just wanted to write a quick note about ‘buenos días‘ vs ‘buenas días‘ as this is a mistake made by a lot of beginners!

In short – ‘buenas días’ is grammatically incorrect, it´s a common mistake made by learners of Spanish because it sounds similar to ‘buenos días‘ and the two are easy to confuse.

This is because the adjective ‘buenos‘ has to agree in both gender and number with the noun ‘días‘.

Días‘ is both plural and masculine, so ‘buenOS‘ has to be both plural and masculine too!

Final thoughts

And there we have it, a pretty-darn extensive list of ways to respond to ‘buenos días‘ (if you ask me!).

I´m sure you´ll know now exactly what to reply in almost every situation. Go forth and surprise / delight your Spanish speaking friends with your new-found knowledge!

10 Epic Ways to Respond to ‘Buenos días’ (2024)


What is the response to Bueno? ›

Interjection Indicating Agreement
Spanish SentenceEnglish Translation
Creo que sería mejor ir al restaurante francés. [Response] Bueno, vayamos.I think it'd be better to go to the French restaurant. [Response] Ok, fine, let's go.
2 more rows
17 Aug 2017

How do you reply to Buenos Noches? ›

A: ¡Buenas noches! (Good night!) So, you can answer with 'que descanses' to let the other people know that you wish them a good night of rest.

How do you respond to gracias amigo? ›

The response to gracias that you're most likely to use or hear is de nada (you're welcome), or you could say, if appropriate, a tí (thank you). For greater emphasis you can use no hay de qué (don't mention it).

How do you reply Hola? ›

This phrase means “how are you?” and can be used not only to find out how somebody is feeling, but can also be used as a way to say hello. If in passing someone says “hola!” to you, it would acceptable to reply: “como estas?

How do I reply to Buenos dias? ›

In short – the best (and easiest) response to 'buenos días' is a simple 'buenos días' in return! 'Hola, buenos días', 'buen día', 'igualmente' and 'como está' are also excellent responses!

How was your day reply answer? ›

It's been okay.” “o*kay.” “Could be better.”

What is Hasta manana? ›

hasta mañana in American English

(mɑˈnjɑnɑ ) Spanish. so long; (I'll) see you tomorrow.

What do we call no in Spanish? ›

Even if you are an absolute beginner, you already know the two most important words in Spanish. Let me break it down for you: Sí (Yes). No (No). Great job!

What do you say after buenas tardes? ›

Initial Greetings
SpanishEnglish equivalentLiteral translation
Buenos díasGood morningGood (pl.) days
Buenas tardesGood afternoonGood (pl.) afternoons
Buenas nochesGood night/Good eveningGood (pl.) nights
Muy buenas/buenasShort version of all the aboveVery good(pl.)/Good (pl.)
1 more row

Is De nada rude? ›

You can also say Con gusto, A la orden, No es nada, and Por nada, depending on the situation. Is De nada rude to say? Not really. It is a very common and formal phrase to say You're welcome in Spanish.

Can we use Amigo to a female? ›

Let's take the example of 'amigo,' or friend. One male friend is amigo, two male friends are amigos. One female friend is amiga, two female friends are amigas.

What are 3 greetings in Spanish? ›

1.1 Greetings in Spanish
  • Hola - Hello.
  • Buenos días - Good morning.
  • Buenas tardes - Good afternoon.
  • Buenas noches - Good evening.

Do you say Buenas días for a girl? ›

“Día” is a masculine noun, “El día”, “Noche” is feminine, “La noche”, so if you are greeting somebody in the morning, you say Buenos (masc.) días, and you are saying goog night, you say Buenas (fem.)

What is Buenos días amigo? ›

buenos dias amigo – Dictionary and online translation between English and over 90 other languages. Spanish. English. buenos dias amigo. good morning friend.

What does Bueno días means? ›

: good morning : hello.

How are you doing flirty reply? ›

Better, now that I'm talking to you.”

Texting is also a great way to deepen an intimate connection with someone by flirting, so try to make your response a little playful and intriguing. “How do you want me to be?” “I'd be better if you were with me.” “Extremely good looking, I'd say!”

How was your night reply to your crush? ›

What are flirty words to respond to how was your night?
  • Not as well as I would have liked. ...
  • You were in my dreams, but I can't tell you what happened because it's too embarrassing.
  • I had trouble sleeping last night, but I feel much better now.
  • I had some naughty dreams about you last night…
21 Oct 2022

What's como estas mean? ›

¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)

What does Chao mean in Spanish? ›

interjection. short for goodbye. bye → chao; chau; adiós.

What does Chao mean in English? ›

bye (informal) ⧫ cheerio (Brit) (informal) ⧫ so long (informal) ⧫ see ya (informal)

What does oof mean in Spanish? ›

puf {interj. } (expresando cansancio, sofocación) oof! (also: whew!)

Can Nada mean no? ›

Nada means "nothing." The kids next door will be disappointed if they learn that their lemonade stand has earned them nada. The noun nada is an informal way to say "zero." If you ask a deli worker how many plain bagels he has, and he answers, "Nada," it means they're out of your favorite kind.

What does PPO mean in Spanish? ›

Meanings of "ppo (preferred provider organization)" in Spanish English Dictionary : 1 result(s)
1Psychologyppo (preferred provider organization)
1 more row

What are 3 greetings that give a time of day in Spanish? ›

Buenos días / buenas noches
  • Buenos días. Good morning. The literal translation of this phrase is “good day” but it is usually used until 12 in the afternoon.
  • Buenas tardes. Good afternoon / Good evening. In most Spanish speaking countries, this greeting is used from 12pm to 8pm.
  • Buenas noches. Good evening / Good night.

What are 6 greetings and farewells in Spanish? ›

How to pronounce greetings in Spanish
  • buenos días - good morning.
  • adiós - goodbye.
  • buenas tardes - good afternoon.
  • buenas noches - good evening.
  • muy buenos - a shortened version of the above three greetings, suitable anytime.
  • hola - hello.
  • ¿

Is Muchas gracias correct? ›

Mucha gracias.

= Incorrect! The only correct way to say thank you very much is muchas gracias.

Is Nada a boy or girl? ›

Nada is a feminine given name found with the etymology of 'hope' in South Slavic-speaking countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia, and the etymology of 'dew' in Arabic-speaking countries. In Croatia, the name Nada was the second most common feminine given name between 1950 and 1959.

Is no gracias a thing? ›

No, gracias

This is the standard way of saying “no” when offered something. It's also the most polite option. No, gracias means “No, thank you” in Spanish, and it's used in the same way as in English.

Does Amigo mean love? ›

Borrowed from Spanish amigo (“friend”), from Latin amīcus (“friend”), derived from amāre (“to love”). Compare French ami, Italian amico, Portuguese amigo and Romanian amic.

Does Amiga mean girlfriend? ›

'Amigo' and 'amiga' mean friend. If you are talking about your boyfriend or girlfriend then you use novio/novia respectively.

Is Amiga a real word? ›

noun, plural a·mi·gas [uh-mee-guhz; Spanish ah-mee-gahs]. a female friend.

What to tell a girl after she says thank you? ›

  • you're welcome. phrase. used in reply to someone who has thanked you.
  • no problem. phrase. ...
  • not at all. phrase. ...
  • don't mention it. phrase. ...
  • it's no bother. phrase. ...
  • (it's) my pleasure. phrase. ...
  • it's/that's all right. phrase. ...
  • it's nothing/think nothing of it. phrase.

What are 5 easy Spanish words? ›

Basic Spanish Words
  • Hola (Hello)
  • Adios (Goodbye)
  • Gracias (Thank you)
  • Por favor (Please)
  • Si (Yes)
  • Claro (Of course)
  • No (No)
  • Amor (Love)
25 Aug 2021

What are the 20 vocabulary words? ›

20+ Vocabulary Words You Should Use
  • Archaic (adjective) Definition: very old or old fashioned. ...
  • Zephyr (noun) Definition: a brief gusty wind. ...
  • Quiescent (adjective) Definition: peacefulness, dormant, inactive. ...
  • Plethora (noun) Definition: excess, a large amount. ...
  • Degust (verb) ...
  • Poignant (adjective) ...
  • Abate (verb) ...
  • Sycophant (noun)
15 Feb 2017

How do Mexicans say bye? ›

How to say "goodbye"
  • Adiós. Goodbye.
  • Chau. Bye! ( casual)
  • Nos vemos. See you (casual)
  • Hasta mañana. See you tomorrow.
  • Hasta luego. See you later.

Is Hola como esta? ›

¡Hola! Cómo estás? could be translated to 'Hello/Hi! How are you?'

How do I impress my crush in Spanish? ›

To help you make a good impression on your Spanish-speaking crush, here are a few basic phrases you can use.
  1. ¿Quisieras salir conmigo? ...
  2. ¿Te invito a tomar algo? ...
  3. ¿Te gusta esta música? ...
  4. ¿Te gustaría bailar? ...
  5. ¿Te estás disfrutando? ...
  6. Vamos a otro lado. ...
  7. Ya vengo. ...
  8. ¿Quieres que te acompañe a la casa?

How do Spanish boys flirt? ›

Flirting in Spanish – The Romantic Lines
  1. 1) Así como tú, me los recomendó el doctor.
  2. 2) Me gustas más que…
  3. 3) A tu lado me siento más mujer.
  4. 4) Me encanta que siempre escoges tu camisa a juego con tu mirada.
  5. 5) Mi café favorito siempre será el de tus ojos.
  6. 6) Eres el postre perfecto para una cena romántica.

How does a guy tell a girl she's beautiful in Spanish? ›

Bella / Bello – Pretty

A romantic way to tell someone they are beautiful in Spanish can also be used when describing places, objects, and situations. It is considered a bit formal, especially in Spain Spanish. The noun la belleza can be used as well, which means “the beauty”.

Can you answer the phone saying Bueno? ›

However, in Mexico in paticular, it is common for people to answer the phone with “bueno.” In this context, bueno is loosely translated to “hello” or “yes”.

Can Bueno mean yes? ›

The same applies to the word BUENO. In Mexico it means YES in the context of answering the phone. Certainly in Spain, BUENO can mean WELL. It's used massively at the start of sentences.

Does Bueno mean good or okay? ›

The Spanish word bien (bee-ehn) means 'fine' and it also means 'well'. Conversely, the word bueno (BWEH-noh) means 'good'. From these basic differences in the meaning of each word, you can already see two uses of these words. You use bien to answer when someone asks you how you are doing.

Should I use Bien or Bueno? ›

Buen is the apocopic (missing the final syllable) form of bueno, and means “good” or “fine.” Bien is an adverb. Buen/bueno is an adjective. If you remember this simple rule, bien vs bueno will become much easier to understand.

Is there a feminine version of Bueno? ›

So to put bueno with noche, you have to change bueno to buena (masculine into feminine) and since noches is plural you must make buena plural as well, so in the end, you get "buenas noches!" Unfortunately not everyone knows how latin based languages work.

How do Mexicans answer the phone? ›

Bueno. Hello. Bueno, literally meaning “good” or “well,” is a common phone greeting used in Mexican Spanish. → There are many other ways to say hello in Spanish, most of which can be used to begin a phone conversation.

What does Benuo mean? ›

interjection Spanish. good; all right.

What does yes Papi mean? ›

Where does Papi come from? vevo.com. Papi is a colloquial term for “daddy” in Spanish, but in many Spanish-speaking cultures, particularly in the Caribbean, it is often used as a general term of affection for any man, whether it's a relative, friend, or lover.

How do Mexicans say yes? ›

¡Sí! (Yes) The Spanish word for 'yes' is 'sí. '

What does Bruno mean in Spanish? ›

dark brown (color)

Is Muy bien correct? ›

The phrase muy bien is one of the most common phrases in Spanish. So what exactly does it mean? In a nutshell, muy bien means “very well” and “very good”. It can also be used to acknowledge something, like when you say “alright then” or “o*k”.

How do Mexicans say good? ›

If you ever travel through Spain or Latin America, you should be expecting some basic Spanish words that will come up in most conversations: bueno (“good”) is one of them! This adjective means exactly the opposite of malo (“bad”), and is used to express a positive quality.

What is the opposite of Bueno? ›

Opposites In Spanish: Spanish Vocabulary Words
SpanishEnglishEnglish (Opposite)
guapo, bonito, lindogood lookingfeo
buen, buenogoodbad
98 more rows

Is it mucho or muy? ›

For the most part, when you want to say: Very, you will say Muy in Spanish. And when you want to say: A lot, you will say Mucho. Join us in this Podcast as we talk you through all of this and offer you some practical examples of how to use these two words correctly.

What's no bueno in Spanish? ›

no bueno (not comparable) (US, informal, mildly humorous) not good; no good; bad.

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